Saturday 9 January 2021

why does pizza always come in a square shape box ?

 Why does pizza always come in a square shape box ?


Hello dear all readers ,

Today here we come with a new fact , that is why does pizza always come in a square shape box ?

So friends this topic going to be very interesting and exciting , when you know this fact , isn't it ?

Have you ever want to know this ? Why pizza always come in a square shape box ? 

So here let's know the science behind this fact .

If we think here logically - [ If pizza is in round shape, it means that it's box are also come in round shape box !!! ]

So here the science behind this is ,

1) The pizza box is in square shape because manufacturing of a square shape box require just a single cardboard sheet .

2) And if we talk about round box than , a round box requires many several cardboard sheets , that need to be joined or we can say combined together by using a special type machinery .

3) The manufacturing of square boxes is quite cheaper and very simpler .

4) The square boxes can be very easily assembled on-site .

5) The square box transported in the form of flat cardboard sheets and also it is very easily stacked on one another .

6) And if we know about round boxes than, it is first need to be assembled by a special machinery , which is cost effective .

7) The round box , it is quite difficult to transport and also it is difficult to store huge piles of boxes on-site .

8) And if we know more further than , the square box contain spaces around the pizza in the square box , which making it easy to lift the pizza slice .

9) And also the square box contain empty space around , which can even be used to place chili flakes , oregano , etc.

We hope you understand this fact very simply and nicely in a scientific way .

2 comments: said...


Unknown said...

Yes very easily you will always explain very interesting facts about science 😊😇😄☺

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