Wednesday 27 January 2021

Mostly flocks of birds prefer to fly in V shape formation, did you know that why ?

Mostly flocks of birds prefer to fly in V shape formation, did you know that why ?


Hello dear readers,

Here you come to know the most amazing and interesting scientific fact.

So let's explore this scientific fact,

When you go to garden or we can say whenever you go for walking in morning or evening time. Most of all you noticed that many flocks of birds flying together, isn't ?

But do you observed that, why they fly together ?

In the whole world, without any reason, there is nothing can exist. Right na!

So here my friends, some science is behind this fact, which make work of these birds easy.

So how these science make easy work for these birds in fly ?

The flocks of birds like geese and pelicans mostly they prefer to fly in V formation to make flight easier.

So actually what happened in V formation?

In V formation, when bird flap it's wings.

The air behind the bird gets pushed downward or we can say push towards below side, creating a down wash.

While the air around it's sides gets pushed upward or we can say push toward above side, creating an upwash.

So these circumstances produce rotating vortices.

And if we talk about another bird, which lies behind first one, than if these bird flies in upwash zones or we can say in other words that, when these bird flies in upward zones, than it gets a free lift and glides because of reduced of air resistance or we can say air opposition force.

So therefore birds are able to fly such long distances, wihout putting much more effort.

And also along with these, it's maintaining a clear line vision or we can say sight of direction.

Here you see in this picture or image of birds flying together.

The first bird, which fly at front side of all and other is fly behind that bird.

So the bird which fly at front side or we can say first bird, so it faces greater air resistances or we can say it faces greater opposition of air force.

So therefore, the birds keep chancing their position in the V shape formation and take as leader position means that they change position in place of flying first bird.

By doing like that, they feel easier and comfortable during their fly journey.

Because of this, it's minimizing the uses of each bird's energy.

So therefore, these method keeps allowing these birds for fly without having to stop.

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