Friday 29 January 2021

Distinguish or differentiate between free vibration and force vibration

 Distinguish between or differentiate between free vibration and force vibration


Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this concept, here in this content you come to know about the difference between free vibration and force vibration.

After knowing this concept your doubt really really solved on free vibration and force vibration.

So let's start the concept !

Free Vibration


i) In the free vibration, this free vibration produce when a body is disturbed from it's equilibrium position.

ii) When we have to start the free vibration, than only initially required force to start the free vibration.

iii) The frequency of these free vibration is depended only on the natural frequency.

iv) In the free vibration, the energy of the body remain constant or remains as it is, in the absence of friction force, air resistance, etc.

Due to the damping force, the total free vibration energy get decreases.

v) The amplitude of the free vibration get decreases according with time.

vi) The free vibration, stop vibrating sooner or later depending on the damping force.

Force Vibration


i) The force vibration are produced when we apply an external periodic force of any frequency on it.

ii) The continuously external periodic force is requires for the force vibration. If we will stop applying of an external periodic force on force vibration than force vibration will also stop.

iii) The frequency of force vibration is depended only on the frequency of the external periodic force.

iv) The energy of the body is maintained or we can say in other words that, the energy of the body remains constant by the given external periodic force.

v) The amplitude of force vibration is get small with time but remains constant as external periodic force acts on it.

vi) The vibrations get stop as soon as external periodic force is stopped.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely in great understanding way.

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