Monday 11 January 2021

Why hot food is so tasty ?

 Why hot food is so tasty ?


Hello dear all readers ,

Welcome to this blog post !!!

In your daily routine life , you daily eat different different flavours of food . 

But have you ever thought or we can say have you ever think about on this concept, why we love to eat hot food ?

So friends this concept is going to be very interesting to know .

When you eat hot food or we can say in other words that when you eat warm food , have ever notice that it's taste much more than cold food , isn't it ???

So you ever thought that why is this happen ??

So let's come to know behind this science facts.

i) Here you know that whatever you consume food in daily routine life , how much flavours added in it ? But if it is not hot than all is meaningless, isn't ?

ii) So friends according to the researchers the reaction of TRPM5 in our taste buds is much more extraordinary when the temperature or we can say hotness of food or fluid is increases.

iii) If the food is hot than TRPM5 in our taste buds send a stronger electrical signal to the brain and we feel much more taste in food.

iv) So friend you have one question come into your mind is , what is TRPM5 ?

v) So the TRPM5 actually the full of this is (Transient Receptor Potential cation channel subfamily Member 5 ).

vi) The TRPM5 is a cation channel subfamily Member 5, it is very essential for transduction of tastes like such as bitter taste ,sweet taste and umami taste.

vii) So friends we hope you understand this concept or we can say that in other words that you understand this scientific facts in  easier and simpler way.


Unknown said...

Thank you to explain about this concept

scientechplus said...

If you want to know related like this, than please frequently comment us!!!

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