Saturday 23 January 2021

The problem face by astronaut in space

 The problem face by astronaut in space


Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this blog post, today's we come with a new topic.

Which problems face by astronaut in space ?

 In during your childhood , when you see any spacecraft or rocket, when it moves towards space. 

You fill with lots of desire to reach and travel to space world.

We feel happy and pleasure , whenever we see launch space craft in space, isn't it ?

But do you know that friends, these journey is not quite easier.

To struggle with many problems than our astronaut reach to space and do their research.

So here we know about all these problem which face by our astronaut in space.

As you feel on the planet earth , our legs carry the weight of the whole body in the normal position due to gravity force.

So as you know that , in space there is not existence of these gravity force. So it means that, in space we not feel any gravity force.

So therefore the astronaut in space is in weightless state. Hence swollen feet may not affect his working in space.

In these weightless condition, the face of the astronaut is expected to get more circulation of blood. Because of that, the astronaut may develop swollen face.

As eyes, ears, nose, mouth, are all these sense organs are embedded in the face. So therefore swollen face may affect these senses of seeing/ hearing / smelling / eating all these capabilities of the astronaut in space.

And if we talk further than  the headache persist whether a person is an astronaut in space or he is on the planet earth. Headache is because of our mental strain.

So therefore the headache will have the same effect on the astronaut as well as person on the planet earth.

And if we know the last problem, which face by astronaut in space is orientation.

The space also has orientation and the frame of reference. So therefore, orientation problem will mostly affect the astronaut in space.

So friends hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely in easy way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice !

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