About us



Hello my dear readers , I am the author of this website and my name is Rajakumar Dayashankar Gupta . Here I am started to writing blog post on name scientechplus . I am started to writing this blog post on science , technology and engineering since 2020 .

My Education

So first of all when I am completed my SSC Board ,that time I am in very anxious mind set ,Because I am confused what to choose now for my future career field . From childhood I am very interested to know all about science & technology philosophy. 

But due to all my neighbour , friends and my all relatives told me that , "the science stream is quite difficult ,you have to choose commerce as well as arts stream". And listening all these kinds of words , I am gone unmotivated.

But one day when I am talked with my self "what exactly I have to do for my self" than I got the answer from my inner heart "I have to go for science stream" , On that day I am filled with a lot of confidence. 

After I go for in science stream field , than I am completed my 12th science or we can say completed HSC with science stream. After completed 12th science ,than I choose to go for in electronics fields, so that I start learning in diploma electronics engineering.

My journey is quite interesting to choosing right decision of my aim of life. But due to zeal or we can say exciting of learning and knowing new thing, I am ever confused for going limited field of knowledge. I am always very eager to know different-different knowledge from science, technology and engineering.

Let me introduce about this platform which is by google product, which is know by the name blogger, it helps me a lot to make or create platform to share knowledge and experience whatever I know.

And I want to explain the concept of science, technology and engineering in simple and precise way. I every time want to learn something new, it means that something new from open minded from our environment.

To learn something new from our expectation . It quite special and very interested to hear that , when we imagine or think we go to learn something very uniqueness our eyes fill with glow , that moment is such a very great pleasurable moment we feel isn't it ?.

Here in this blog post you will come to know to all about science facts knowing technology and engineering. The all explanation of science, technology and engineering is provide simply, concisely, and precisely. The place where learning and knowing become easy and fun.

Hello , friends 
Welcome to my blog in  https://scientechplus.blogspot.com
If you have great desire to know something  different from our expectation , then your's choice is excellent for you and us.

Here in this blog platform scientechplus.blogspot.com provide a unique, interesting, mind blow and knowledgeable facts and information about all related subjects science, technology and engineering.

Our Aim

To make complexity into simplicity. In a simple and precise manner.

Direction for learning

We provide you more details subjects into simpler manner in a simpler way .To know quick as soon as possible.

What purpose for teaching in that manner

We held our aim to make complexity into simplicity. Because many of us to do study or learning some skills for going into higher education isn't it ? for high level gaining and high achievements. But if we don't know what is mean of the knowledge, whatever we collected from our learning processed, so what's the value of that knowledge. It is meaningless or you can called it useless another mean way wastage of your hard work, time, finance etc.

So to give your knowledge in a right direction ,we will do our best to knowing you in mean way and great understanding level in simple and precise manner.

To stay connected with us scientechplus.blogspot.com 
Gmail :- scientechplus@gmail.com
Frequently ask question , what do you want to know, about which subjects completely in a simple and precise manner.

Regards by ,

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