Monday 21 December 2020

How Honey Bee make their honey ?

 How Honey Bee make their honey ?


Hello dear readers ,

Here in this blog post we will discuss more about on this topic , how Honey Bee make their honey ...?

This topic is quite going to be very interesting . Because in this concept some interesting fact hidden behind this .

So let's start about on this topic " How Honey Bee Make Their Honey " 

When we see the honey bee fill their honey comb with sweet honey , which hanging along the tree branches . 

We come into surprised and think , how they would be make honey by just sucking juice of flower . 

The question arises here because many big big industry , factories , small scale industry and large scale industry , etc. Does not make honey without taking help of Honey Bee .

So this is a big question and big fact of what is the secret fact behind this .

So to make honey the worker Honey Bee sucks sweet juice from flowers or we can say that in other words that nectar from flowers and stores this nectar in it's honey stomach .

After stores nectar from flower in it's honey stomach , the worker Honey Bee come back to the honeycomb / hive . 

After worker honey bee come to the honeycomb / hive it's vomit all the nectar which taking from flower to the processor honeybee's mouth .

So after taking processor Honey Bee nectar in it's mouth . So than the processor honey bee's in it's mouth and stomach one enzyme is produced which is called as invertase .

So these invertase added in nectar by the processor honey bee's in it's mouth and stomach .

So after added invertase in the nectar , the invertase breaks some amount of nectar into simple sugars like as glucose and fructose .

Than after happened these all processed than the processor honey bee's again vomit into another processor honey bee's mouth .

What is the work of another processor honey bee ?

The another processor Honey Bee added more invertase for breakdown more amount of nectar into simple sugar .

So these processed happened until most of  the nectar breakdown or converted into simple sugar .

So after happened all the processes of breakdown of nectar into simple sugar ,than the mixture of simple sugar is store or collected in the honeycomb .

So at this time ,the mixture is still watery in state . So to evaporates the water , Bees flap with their wing and thickens the mixture finally honey .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " How Honey Bee make their honey " .


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