Sunday 24 January 2021

Do you ever think, why our sky is blue colour ?

 Do you ever think, why sky is looking in blue colour ?


Do you think over this fact, why this sky is in blue colour ?

So I am give a minute to you for guess, why sky is in blue colour ?

Tell me answer via your reply in the comment box.

So we move towards to exploring this scientific facts.

When we see in early morning, what we see in the sky ?

We see the sky appear in blue colour, isn't ? 

Many of us ask question like that "we not see sky clearly in the day time" so my friends we can easily visible the sky in early morning. Means at 6 to 9 'o' clock in the morning time.

So let's move to our concept !!!

For understanding this concept, first of all I want to know from you all, what is the colour of our sun ???

Orange ? Yellow ? Blue ? So if you suggest this answers, than my friends of course not a right answer is this.

Actually sun gives pure bright white light to the universe.

So you may get little confuse about this, the sun gives white bright light than how it is possible sky appearing in blue colour, it is to be appear in white colour na ???

So before we go to in detail of these scientific fact. We  know the step by step all concept in very finely.

Did you know that, the distance between sun and earth is 150,000,000 km is such a vast distance between sun and earth.

So that it is the distance, which the sun light rays travel through and reach at the earth surface. So it means that light travel between sun and earth is 150,000,000 km.

So as we know that, the sun emits all kinds of electromagnetic light. Electromagnetic rays emits by the sun is -

 i) Gamma rays

ii) X-rays

iii) UV - rays

iv) Infrared rays

v) Microwave

vi) Radio waves

And the visible light is Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.

So all these together emits by the sun.

So when electromagnetic rays enter into our earth.

We human being can't able to perceive or we can say in other words that, we can't see these Gamma rays, X-rays, UV-rays, Infrared, Microwaves, Radio waves with our naked eye.

So most of the electromagnetic Gamma rays, X - rays, UV rays block's out by the earth's atmosphere.

We human being only see the visible seven colours, which is violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red.

So all visible light spectrum is only compose by these three primary colours is Red, Green, Blue colour light.

So when these primary colours come from the sun and enter into the earth. So let's understand what happen with it ???

Take an example, consider if one side of rope is tied at the tree and other side of rope you just hold in your hand, when you move the rope up and down with less force than rope moves with less force.

So it means that, the number of wave is less and the wavelength is larger or maximum.

And if you pull rope up and down with forcefully than the number of wave is more and wavelength is smaller.

The scientists discovered that, when the wavelength is smaller than it's scatter more light.

When the wavelength is larger or maximum than it's scatter less light.

So as we know that,

Wavelength of red > Wavelength of green > Wavelength of blue

 So that first of all  let's know about, how these Red light scatter in earth atmosphere.


So as you know that, the wavelength of red light is maximum, so that it scatter very very less or you can say negligible.

The reason is, the red light is easily passes through the dust particles and molecules.

So therefore, it is less scattered.

Let's we go to the green light,


Now here in this green light, the wavelength of green light is less than as we compared to the wavelength of red light.

When the green light collides with the dust particles and molecules.

So therefore these green light is scattered more as we compared to red light.

And now we move towards the blue light,


And here we come to last colour, which is blue colour.

So in this, the wavelength of these blue light is very less than that of green light.

So when it's collides with the dust particle and molecules, than it's scattered mostly.

So here we judge from all these three colours than we come to the conclusion that, the maximum scattering of light is blue light.

So therefore we can see blue light in the sky during day time.

We hope you understand the whole concept easy, fun and learning way.

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