Tuesday 26 January 2021

Do you know that how an artificial satellite using two stage rocket is launched in an orbit around the earth

Do you know that, how an artificial satellite using two stage rocket is launched in an orbit around the earth ?


The satellite, which launched in space they needed minimum two stage rocket. What they are, let's know here ???

 when satellite is on the planet earth, they need or we can say that they required two stage of rocket to reach in space for revolving around the planet earth.

So let's know complete steps of launching of satellite in space.

i) So in the first step, the satellite kept or we can say place at the tip of the rocket.

ii) In the second step, the fuel in the first stage rocket is fired or ignited, so it gives the satellite vertical velocity.

iii) In the third step, with the help of this first stage rocket, the satellite attains or we can can say it get it's desired height or position.

iv) In the fourth step, when satellite reach it's desire height or position than by remote control, the empty first stage rocket is detached and the  rocket is rotated through 90° so that it points in the horizontal direction.

v) In the fifth step, the fuel in the second stage rocket is fired or ignited, so that with a particular amount or value the satellite is projected in horizontal direction.

OR we can say, 

Because of the second stage rocket satellite get the particular value of horizontal velocity in the horizontal direction.

vi) In the sixth step, when the fuel in the second stage rocket is completely burnt, than the second stage rocket also get detached from the satellite.

vii) In the seventh step, the gravitational force acting on the satellite is exactly equal to the centripetal force which is very helpful to keep the satellite moving in a circular orbit round the planet earth.

viii) Now in the last step, the motion of the satellite depends upon the velocity of the projection given to it.

So here we hope you understand this whole concept about the "two stage rocket required for launching the satellite in space" very clearly and nicely in easy and great learning way.

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