Wednesday 23 December 2020

Why we swing our arms when we walking ?

 Why we swing our arms when we walking ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Have you ever think about , why do we swing ours arms when we walking ? .

We do this action because we want dance when walking on the road ...???  Naa...h !

Yeah it is something unknown for all of us , but behind this concept there is some scientific fact is exist .

So let's known or explore in detail about this interesting and exciting scientific reason behind this fact .

So for understanding this concept or phenomena , first of all we have to visualize or do practical performance of this walking action .

So first of all what we do while walking ? , usually when we walk we take our first step and swing our opposite arm in the forward direction .

So the question arises here why we do like this ???

So for that concept something scientists are still trying and working to figure out , why happen like this ? .

So however as per taken so much of experiment , it was found that or come to the conclusion that when we swing our arms while walking we use 12 percent less energy , as we compared when we walking hold our arms still .

So it means that normal arms swinging is not a muscle-driven work . It maintain the whole body naturally without any much more effort . 

So instead this philosophy , some other experts even suggest that our arms swinging helps to balance ours body's rotational motion .

So what happen on the philosophy of body's rotational motion . So it state that when we put our one leg forward the pelvis twist or we can say that in other words rotates sideways . 

So therefore forward swing of our opposite arms or hands counterbalance this rotational motion of our body .

So that's why we walk very easily and comfortably .

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely " why we swing our arms when we walking " ? .

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