Saturday 26 December 2020

What is corona virus ?

 What is corona virus ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Today we are going to discuss and know more in detail all about corona virus .

So here first of all let we know that , what is the mean of word " corona " so the mean of the word 'corona' is derived from Latin language it means "crown" or we can say that in other words "wreath" .

So as you already seen that the photo or image of these corona virus . These image or photo of the Corona virus is approximately or we can say very close to seen like crown of the king . So that on the approximate looks of corona virus as like as crown , so that's why these virus got the name corona virus . 

The corona virus is a one type of virus . As same as corona virus , there are many viruses are exist on the planet earth . But one thing is that they are all in non-active in condition .

So among the all viruses , the corona virus is as known by the name SARS-COV-2 caused a world wide pandemic of respiratory illness which is called as or known as COVID-19 .

So let's know about , what is the full form of COVID-19 , so that the CO- stands for corona , VI- stands for virus , D- stands for diseases and the last 19- stands for 2019 novel coronavirus or we can say that '2019-NCOV'.

From where these corona virus come from ?

The corona virus which we also called by the name SARS-Cov-2 and the disease which happen by these virus is called as or known as corona virus disease or we can also called by the other name Covid-19 .

The coronavirus disease started from first week of November 2019 . The place from where these disease got to seen or we can say starting point of these corona virus disease is in South china , Wuhan sea food market .

In this Wuhan sea food market there are many types of flesh product are selling such flesh products such as dog flesh , hen flesh , pig flesh , snake flesh , bat flesh etc. 

So overall these the sea food market is believed outbreak starting point of these corona virus disease .

Before, the reality is that the corona virus is mostly founded in animals . And also these virus is only exist in animal species . In the sea food market in wuhan city, the place where all flesh products are put together in one place . So therefore , these corona virus got chance to jump directly to human species by the process called mutation .

So let's know about, what is mean by mutation ?

The mutation happen or occur when a DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) gene is get damaged or we can say changed in such a way that as to alter the genetic message which is carried by that gene .

So in your mind one more question is come that ,  in so much of animals from which specific animals these coronavirus come from ?

Here the answer is in bat mammal !

So here in this paragraph we are going to know all about , how these corona virus spread ?

So according to today's researchers , they know that the new corona virus spread through the droplets of released into the air, when any infected person or a living being cough or as well as sneezes .

So generally the droplets is not travel long distance in air , is all because of they are in heavy state . So that when any infected person or living being coughing or sneezing on the spot , the droplets of coughing or sneezing fall on the ground . So that's why physical distancing play a very helpful major role to stop the spreading of these corona virus .

So here the given is the some symptoms of these corona virus or COVID-19 ?

i) Cough

ii) Fever or we can say that chills

iii) The shortness of breath or we can say difficulty in breathing .

iv) The Muscle aches or we can say that body aches

v) Sore throat

vi) Diarrhea

vii) New fatigue

viii) Nausea or we can say vomiting

ix) Congestion or runny nose

In some rare cases corona virus or we can say COVID-19 can lead to severe respiratory problem , kidney failure and death also .


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank you to spread this message

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