Wednesday 17 February 2021

The position of human heart and it's shape, size, weight, colour and wall of the heart know here in detail in simply !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, so here in this concept you come to know the most interesting concept about on human heart.

So what are we waiting for, 

Let's come to our topic !!!

The contraction and relaxation of our heart goes 24×7, isn't ?

If 1/1000 second it will get stop functioning than our health affected badly.

When we sleep in the night, our heart never sleep. It work for whole day and night for us.

Heart is a pumping organ in our body, which continously pump to our blood to send in each and every parts of our body for providing nutrition and collection of waste substances through blood.

The heart is present inside the middle of the thoracic cavity in between two lungs in a cavity is called as or known as mediastinum.

Our heart is not exactly located in the middle or centre, but actually it lies just slanting little to the left side.

Our lovely heart is protected on the cage of ribs, back bone, and breast bone and diaphragm.

 Let's know about our heart, it's origin, shape, size, weight, colour and lastly wall of the heart.

First we know about i) Origin of heart : The origin of human heart means our heart is mesoderm.

ii) The shape of our heart : Actually our heart is in hollow muscular cone shaped organ or we can say in other words, it is in conical shape organ.

iii) The size of our heart : Hey friends you are lucky to predict your size of your heart by your hand fist.

Yes your read correct !!!

You can see your size of your heart by just closing your fingers and see it is your heart size.

This example is approximately rough figure of heart but it is correct !!!

And the figure measurement of our heart is 12cm in length, 9cm in breadth and 6cm in thickness.

iv) The weight of our heart : The weight of our heart or human heart is about 250 to 300 gm.

v) The colour of our heart : We only know very well that our heart is only in dark red colour.

But it's not like that, our heart is reddish brown colour.

vi) The wall of our heart : Our heart has three layers of wall, it is  a) pericardium, b) myocardium, c) endocardium

So we hope you know this interesting concept very well in simply and easily.

So friends we will meet you with new upcoming interesting and exciting concept.

If in your mind have some question or concept than please ask us frequently.

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Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice !

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