Thursday 4 February 2021

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items !!!

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you will come to know the most interesting and amazing concept.

So let's explore this concept !!!

So first of all we know that, what is mean by microbes ?

In the science stream, the microbes is very vast concept and it has many more application for human welfare.

The branch of biology deals with the study or experiment on microbes is very well known by microbiology.

So actually, microbes are the microscopic living organism.

For an example small algae, fungi, protozoans, mycoplasmas etc.

So for human welfare, the microbiology gives a potential in many ways such as.

So let's know the contribution given by this microbes in our house hold production.

Microbes in house hold production

So you might thought that, how can this microbes play important role in the house hold production ?

So my friends, it's really really true.

Microbes play important role in house hold production.

Than again you might ask that, how it can contributes us in house hold production ???

So friends, when your mother cooked tasty puffy idlies, dhokla, jalebi, etc.

I hope you all love to eat all these tasty food item, isn't ?

So do you know that, how it work by these microbes to helping us to make our food very tasty ?

So let's come to know first of all our fluffy idlies : So first of all we put our idli batter for overnight.

When we put our batter overnight than in the whole night, we sleep but my friends the micro-organism are awake and active.

So they are active for fermention of idli batter.

So because of this fermentation process, many micro-organism are grow and produce lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

So when you cook idli, the present of carbon dioxide in the idli batter come up and this make idli fluffy.

So as like as many microbes are used at home during preparation of different different food items.

Many household preparation involves the use of microbes e.g. idli, dhokla, jalebi, etc.

The mixture of gram flour and buttermilk are used in the preparation or making of dhokla and than it is fermented by Lactobacilli.

The Lactobacilli also help in the preparation of jalebi and nan.

Yeast and bacteria helps in the preparation of idli and dosas.

The micro-organisms species like Bacillus, Candida and Saccharomyces these are very helpfully make the idlies fluffy.

Microbes is very useful in fermentation process.

So the fermentation is a metabolic process which produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes.

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