Sunday 28 February 2021

Define about wavefront, wave normal and wave surface in simply and easily | By scientechplus

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, so here in this concept you come to know the definition about wave front, wave normal and wave surface.

So let's define first of all 'wavefront'

i) Wavefront:- The locus of all the points of the medium to which waves reach simultaneously so that all the points are in the same phase or we can say all the points in same state of vibration is called as or known as 'wavefront'.

And the second is 'Wave normal'

ii) Wave normal:- A perpendicular line drawn to the surface of  a wavefront at any point of the wavefront in the direction of propagation towards light waves is called as or known as 'wave normal'.

And the last third is 'Wave surface'

iii) Wave surface:- The surface of a sphere with light source as centre and distance travelled by light waves as radius where each waves reach simultaneously is called as or known as 'wave surface'.

So we hope you understand this concept very simply and nicely.

So we will meet you in next upcoming interesting concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

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