Monday 15 February 2021

Why rabbit eat his poop or poty do you know that why ? there is some science behind this know here !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know that, why these beautiful cute like rabbit eat his own poop or potty.

When we hear this concept we feel some thing like surprised or weird, isn't it ???

But my friends it's really really true.

Rabbits really eat his own potty !!!

So in your mind one question is arises, that is "what the purpose for eat his own poop or potty ?"

So to know in detail, let's explore this concept !!!

Actually rabbits are very cute and pretty in appearance, isn't it ?

Rabbit is a one type of vegetarian animal, and rabbit keep themselves very neat and clean.

Let's we move towards the reason,

The digestive system of rabbits are not develop very well or we can say that in other words the digestive system of rabbits is not so good.

So whatever they eat, their body not sufficient to take the whole important nutrients at one attempt.

So for that, they again consume his own poop or potty, for taking complete nutrients from them.

The poop or potty of rabbits is really contain nutrients. So that they don't want to make waste it.

Here in your mind, one question is arises that is "why they not eat fresh food again ?"

Hello friends, the reason is that,

In simply the poop or potty of rabbits contain more nutrients which is very important for their body for energy.

So we hope you enjoying to know this interesting concept.

So hey friends we will meet you with new upcoming interesting concept.

If in your mind have some unique and interesting question or concept than ask frequently with us.

We will feel happy to reply you !!!

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

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