Friday 12 February 2021

Known the drawbacks of Newton's corpuscular theory

 Known the drawbacks of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

Known the drawbacks of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you come to know the drawback of Newton's corpuscular theory.

Earlier in our concept we discuss about the Newton's corpuscular theory.

But here in this concept we come with it's drawback.

Here we will know the all drawback of Newton's corpuscular theory in easy any simple way !!!

So let's come to our topic,

In the Newton's corpuscular theory, he could not able to explain about the partial reflection and refraction at the surface of the transparent medium or path.

In the Newton's corpuscular theory he could not explain about the phenomenon such as interference, diffraction, polarization etc.

According to the Newton's corpuscular theory he explain that, the speed of light in the denser (water) medium is more and the speed of light in the rarer (air) medium is less after which was experimentally proved wrong by the 'scientist Focault'.

According to the Newton's corpuscular theory, he explain in his theory that, when the particles are emitted from the source of light, than the mass of the source of light must be decreases but after conducted several experiments there is not shown any changes in the mass of the source of here also failed the Newton's corpuscular theory.

So we see all the drawback and the given theory which could not explain by Newton's corpuscular theory.

This is all about the drawback of the Newton's corpuscular theory.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely.

If you have any query related to this concept you can frequently ask question related to this.

So we will meet in the next upcoming concepts.

Thank you...!!!

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