Friday 5 February 2021

Amazing function of human being respiratory system

 The function of human respiratory system !!!



Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you come to know the function of human respiratory system.

So let's come to our topic,

So first of all we know that, what is respiratory system ???

So actually, the respiratory system is the network of organs and tissue, which help us to breath well.

The respiratory system is play an important role, when we breath.

You know na! What is mean by breath ?

Breath means, the oxygen we take through our nose and the carbon-dioxide we throw out by our nose is called as or known as breath.

If we want to know this on scientifically terms than, the oxygen whatever we take through our nose is called in scientifically name "Inhale".

And the oxygen whatever we throw out by our nose is called in scientifically name "Exhale".

So I hope you understand this two scientifically terms 'Inhale' and 'Exhale'.

So let's move ahead,

Our respiratory system play an important role, when Inhale and Exhale.

So you ask question like, why we only inhale oxygen why not others gas.

So my friends, In our body the cell required oxygen for producing energy like ATP (Adenosine-tri-phosphate).

So you might be ask, what actually do by our respiratory system ? tell me in detail !!!

Our respiratory system help us to absorb or to take oxygen from the environment and whatever carbon-dioxide in our body they remove out of from our body.

This is all done by our respiratory system.

So let's we see, how this respiratory system work ?

The major function of our respiratory system is to take oxygen and throw out carbon-dioxide from the body.

 When we breath oxygen by our nose, the nose contain nasal cavity with ciliated mucous membrane, which is in sticky form.

So you might don't know, what is mucous membrane, so actually sticky mucous membrane is that, you have an experience when you get cold and sneezing.

The liquid sticky jelly like substance which come out from our nose is called as mucous membrane.

So when we taken oxygen from the environment, than whatever dust and unwanted air come with oxygen than get trap or we can say get filtered in mucous membrane.

So whatever bacteria come along with oxygen that those bacteria is destroy by lysosome contain in mucus.

These extra ordinary protection in our mucous, which helps to protect against potential pathogens is provided by lymphocytes and antibodies.

As we inhale air, the inhale air turns in 90 degrees downward and reach at the pharynx.

So this 90 degree turns for trapping large dust particles from the air.

From the larynx the air passes through the trachea.

And than the windpipe and than it turns split or we can say they divide into two primary bronchioles.

The primary bronchioles supplying to the two lungs.

So in the lungs the primary bronchioles branch splits or we can say divided into smaller and smaller bronchioles.

And than bronchioles form the bronchi tree with many more air tubes or we can say airways.

And the last is terminal bronchioles branch.

So these terminal bronchioles branch divided into several respiratory bronchioles.

So these respiratory bronchioles come to end with microscopic air sacs, which is called as or known as alveoli.

The each alveoli is surrounded by blood capillaries, the place where gas is exchange.

Each alveoli is covered with blood capillaries, so whatever oxygen in alveoli is go to the blood capillaries and whatever carbon-dioxide is go from blood capillaries to alveoli.

And the whatever oxygen is taken by blood capillaries is supply to different different organs, tissue and cell of our body.

And whatever carbon-dioxide is collected by blood from our body is go from blood capillaries to alveoli.

Than this carbon-dioxide is exhale by our nose.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely.

Thank you...!!!


Unknown said...

Really helpful

Unknown said...

This concept is really helpful for me and I know any of the people who read your concepts it's also helpful for them.
Thank you so much

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