Tuesday 24 November 2020

The Stress Management | physics

Do you know this , what is stress management ? , Here the answer is stress management , simply means that to control or we can say that to manage of our mentality , emotion , thoughts etc. is known as or called as stress management .

So here let's start to know in detail all about stress management . We have all today seen that in hurly-burlies  life , we have not time to eat our meal . We have not a bit of second to think about our self . So we hope you may think that , how busy we are in today's life .

As we busy in today's life , we slowly slowly become careless of about our health . So because of our carelessness , we fall ill physically and mentally . So when this type of problem happen in the life of people , then they got tremendous pain in her life . So you can imagine , how painful situation created at that moment .

So many people choose option to move towards taking smoke , alcohol , drugs as like intoxicant substance for minimising our pain . Or we can say like that they want to  forgetting about our painful life and they wanted free stressful life . But you think here is it a wrong or right option ? .

So the option is absolutely wrong , so here you may ask , why it is wrong ? , So the answer is , for understanding this concepts you may have to think like , when you are in a stressful situation , what is going with you ! In that situation your mind keep constantly generated uncontrollable thoughts . Which it proves very lethal for your health and it leads to several health and mental problems.

So , the right option to care your self without taking any kind of intoxicant substances . Which is really realy very bad for your health and mental problem . So here the right option is laughing , you may be heard from somewhere " laughing is the best medicine " .

So have you seen the loudly laughing people ( citizen ) in the morning in public garden !! , it is really popularized by the name called       ' laughter club ' . So here in this ' laughter club ' people gather and talk to each other and share our feeling to each other .

As you know that " sharing is caring " it means that 'when you have problem and if you discuss with your friend partner the pain automatically goes down ' which is really it proves that " sharing is caring " .

So when you feel alone yourself , you simply talk to someone , then you really feel very peaceful in your mind and slowly slowly you come to in relax position . This concept is really work , and remember always whenever you feel some kind of unwell or we can say that in other words , when you realize yourself , I am not feeling well or when you stuck in such a big problem you have apply this concept to over come out to that type of situation . 

You have many ways of expression like establishing communication with your parents , friends , cousins , teachers , peers , native relatives and many more option you have to expressing your feeling to your near and dear ones , which it is really really help to minimizing of your stress .

Instead of sitting alone , you have many several option to do , when you are in a stressful situation . For example , like such as drawing , painting , listening Favourite music , watch comedy shows , spend time in nature , make a photography album , dancing , go for walking in a morning , walk on green grass in the early morning , etc. this are very helpful to minimizing of your stress. 

So you have must properly use your free time . By doing this types of activities with yourself . When you doing this type of activities , your mind get diverted and you stop think about negative thoughts . By involving your self in this types of activities , the negative thoughts automatically get vanished .

1 ) So overcome to that type of problem, you have to simply start meditation for 10 minutes . And slowly slowly practice to increasing time period for meditation . 

2) You may heard from some where, laughing is the best medicine . So in the early morning try to laugh loudly by open your hands in the sky .

3) Take a proper sleep dose to feel fresh and relax . A good sleep dose leads to peace in the mind .

4) Try to sleep early and try to wake up early in the morning , than you feel peace in mind. The reason wake up early in the morning is that , in the early morning time everywhere in our environment  silence zone is created . Which is very best moment for us to take the full advantage of that moment .

5) After wake up early in the morning you should drink lukewarm water . Which is very best for our stomach . It cleans our complete digestive system .

6) So by follow this tips you can managed your stressful situation . Whatever problem comes in you life , you fully ready to face that type of challenge , without any losing self confidence . You confidently face that type of situation with your self esteem .


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