Monday 9 November 2020

Explain the different types of electric current effect

 Explain the different types of electric current effect

Ans. The different types of electric current effect i.e. there are three different types of Electric Current effect such as , given as 

1) Heating Effect

2) Magnetic Effect

3) Chemical Effect

So , let's see , and know about in complete and detail information of these three effects of electric current .

1) Heating Effect :

  In this type of effect , electric current play a very vital role . Heating effect of electricity is one of the widely most used effective in the world .

          When current is passed or we can say that in other words that , when current is flow through a conductor, it is generated heat , because of opposition of Electric Current by a given resistance .

         The heating effect of an electric current , depends upon these three factors such as , 

        i) Resistance (R)

       ii) Time (t)

      iii) The Amount Current (I)


                a) Resistance ( R ) : Resistance of the  conductor , the lower the resistance , the lower heat generated by the electric current and the higher the resistance, the higher heat generated by the electric current .

                b) Time ( t ) : In time for which , current flow the larger , the amount of heat produce or we can say that in other words that , in a given time how many current (A) flow through the conductor in presence of given resistance . That much heat generated by the electric current .

               c) The Amount Of Current ( I ) : The Amount of current higher the larger the heat generated by the electric current and the amount of current lower the smaller the heat generated by the electric current .

         Thus , heating effect H = I(square).R.t      this given equation is called as or we can say that , known as joule heating equation .

Application of heating effect of electric current is given as ,

          i) Electric iron

         ii) Electric kettles

        iii) Electric cooker

        iv) In lighting appliances like as filaments lamp , fluorescent etc.

2) Magnetic Effect : 

When an electric current passes or we can say that in other words that when an electric current flow through the given conductor then electric current  produces magnetic field ,which is called as electromagnetic field .

               So all of you may ask , how to conclude this , it's really produces magnetic field or not . So for detecting this or we can say that , to proving this , we can take help of compass . To detecting flow or passes of electric current through the given conductor . To measure of how much electric current passes through the given conductor , we uses galvanometer . Galvanometer is very useful to determine to check or measure mili ampere electric current through the given conductor .

                The imaginary lines around a magnet are called as or we can say that known as field lines of magnet .

                When we drop iron fillings to settle around a bar magnet , they are arranged in a such way that, in a mimics the magnetic field of lines or we can say that in other words that , when we allowed iron fillings to settle around a bar magnet , they are arranged in a pattern which follows the magnetic field of lines .

                Magnetic field is a vector quantity that is , it has both direction and magnitude . If a conductor carrying a current is held by  the right hand rule . Keeping the thumb straight , it mean consider that , if the direction of electric current is in the direction of thumb , then the direction of wrapping of other four fingers , then it shows the direction of magnetic field .               

Applications of Magnetic effect of Electric Current given as ,

         i) Electric door bell

        ii) Electric fan 

       iii) Electric motor

       iv) Electric generators

        V) Electric transformer

       vi) Because of electromagnetic, lifting of  heavy loads of iron and also iron scrap etc.

3) Chemical Effect :

 Here in para , we learn complete about , what is chemical effect of electric current ? So, when electric current is passed or we can say that flow through a conducting solution , some chemical reaction take place ,  liquid that conducts electricity are solutions of acids , base and salts .

              You may be heard , the term electroplating ? the process of deposition a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called as or we can say known as electroplating .

              When electric current is passed or we can say that , flow through the water , water get dissociates or we can say that in other words that separation of different molecules . Here in water, hydrogen and oxygen , so than , hydrogen molecule is deposited over negative pole and oxygen molecule is deposited on positive pole .

               So , the deposition of the hydrogen and the oxygen at a different pole is visible or in other words , see in the form of bubbles .

               Sometimes , the colour of the solution changes , when an electric current passes through it or we can say that in other words that, when an electric current flow through it .

                 The chemical reaction depends upon the types of different solution , through which the electric current is passed .

    Application Of Chemical Effect Of Electric Current is given as ,

                i) Electroplating

               ii) Electrolysis

          There are many several application of chemical effect of electric current . Instead of the above application , there are several many more application of these , chemical effect of electric current .

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