Saturday 14 November 2020

Explain working of half wave rectifier with the help of diagram & waveform

 Explain / Describe working of half wave bridge rectifier with the help of diagram & waveform







If supply of positive half cycle to the circuit than the diode in the circuit start conducting in a forward biased condition . We know that diode start operating in a forward biased or we can say that start working in a forward biased . But not conducting or we can say that not start working in a reversed biased mode .

              So , here in this circuit when supply of positive half cycle is apply to the circuit then diode conducted in a forward biased and that's why it allow current to flow through the conductor along through Load Resistor ( RL ) .

            So , if we see the input (I/P) and output (O/P) wave signal than its look like is as , if we give positive half wave signal to this circuit than we will get output of this signal .


        Negative Half Cycle 

If supply of negative half cycle to the circuit than the diode in the circuit not start conducted or we can say that diode start conducted in a reversed biased mode condition . As we know that diode start operating in a forward biased mode condition or we can say that start working in a forward biased mode condition . But if we apply negative half wave cycle to this circuits than it's start operating in a reversed biased mode condition .

              So , here in this circuit when negative half wave cycle is apply to the circuit then diode not conducted in a forward biased mode condition and that's why it doesn't allow current to flow through the conductor along through Load Resistor (RL) .

           So , if we see the input (I/P) and output (O/P) wave signal than it's look like as , if we give negative half wave signal to this circuit than we will not get output of this signal .




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