Wednesday 11 November 2020

Explain reason needs for modulation

 Explain reason needs for modulation 


Modulation is a message carrying signal , which is transmitted over a long distance and for it to establish a reliable communication , it needs to take the help of a high frequency signal which should not affect the original characteristics of the message signal .

1) The needs of modulation is to prevent against disturbance of noise .

2) When we transmitted our message signal , than after transmitting our message signal , it can attacked by unwanted signal in the channel , so here modulation help to protect.

3) Message signal can be modified or we can say that in other words that , it changes into unwanted signal by noise , So modulation help to not happen this type of issue .

4) So , for not cause problem because of noise i.e. therefore modulation process must be done before transmitting our message signal .

5) Here , if we not done modulation process , than our message signal gets weak and corrupted due to unwanted signal i.e. therefore signal receiving antenna required larger in size .

           Because of Modulation process our message signal's wavelength get shorter and frequency gets high and because of that signal receiving antennae size will be reduced .

            So modulation is prove very helpful in all branch of communication purposes .

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