Tuesday 17 November 2020

Explain working principle of negative clamper circuit

 Explain working principle of negative clamper circuit




   First of all we see , what is clamper circuit? , so the clamper circuit , which changes or we can say that shift direct current ( D.C )  signal to according to our desire level , without any changing the shape of the signal.

 So , here in this negative clamper circuit we go to learn it's working principle or we can say that in other words that , we go to learn it's operation of this negative clamper circuit. 

  So , here the negative clamper circuit consist of a diode , a resistor and a capacitor. The negative clamper circuit shifted the output ( O/P ) waveform signal to the negative portion when we give sinusoidal input ( I/P ) waveform signal .

    During Positive Half Cycle


So , during in a positive half cycle , the input ( I/P ) of this circuit is equal to ( Vm )  volt . And therefore the diode goes in forward biased condition . And if we consider , this diode is a ideal diode , than it is represented by the short circuit .



                    And due to that , constructively this resistor will also get short circuited . So therefore , in during positive half cycle the capacitor will get charged through this path and this capacitor will get charged upto peak value of the voltage ( Vm ) . So therefore , during positive half cycle the output ( O/P ) voltage Vout will be equal to zero ( 0 ) .

   During Negative Half Cycle


So , during in a negative half cycle , the polarity of the input ( I/P ) voltage signal will get reversed . And now here , if you notice the voltage , which is appearing or we can say that come into existence across the diode is equal to ( - 2Vm ) . It's means that summation of these two  ( Vm ) voltages and therefore that this diode get in reversed biased condition , so that we can replace it with the open circuit.



             So , in during negative half cycle , the output ( O/P ) voltage ,

                       Vout = - Vm - Vm

                       Vout = - 2Vm

So , if you come see the overall output ( O/P ) waveform signal , than it will look like this , 

That's mean that ,the entire input ( I/P ) waveform signal , get shifted to a voltage of    - Vm . Now even though , the clamper circuit changes the direct current ( D.C ) level of the input ( I/P ) waveform signal , but here in  peak to peak voltage of the output ( O/P ) waveform signal is remain same as the given input waveform signal .

              So , here if you come to see , the input ( I/P ) waveform signal is varying from  ( Vm ) to ( - Vm ) . It's means that the peak to peak voltage of the waveform signal is equal to ( 2Vm ) . While in the output ( O/P ) the waveform signal is varying from ( 0 ) to (-2Vm) . It's means that , here also the peak to peak voltage is equal to ( 2Vm ) .

              So , in this way by using this negative clamper circuit , the Direct Current ( D.C ) level of the input ( I/P ) waveform signal can be shifted towards the negative side .

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