Friday 13 November 2020

State the need of biasing of transistor

 State the need of biasing of transistor 




To understanding the need of biasing of transistor , first of all we need to understand the term what is biasing ? 

          Biasing means to supply a power supply to the circuit or we can say that apply D.C or A.C signal to the given circuit for start operating .

              So , in electronics and in electricals all devices or we can say that all circuits are work or we can say that start operating only by supplying power supply .
              So like that, here transistor work in a biasing mode . A biasing is required to operate the transistor or we can say that to start working of the transistor . Without biasing , it is not more able to obtain an output ( O/P ) .

              A biasing is required to activate the transistor and prevents it to either saturation mode or cut-off mode . A biasing is a phenomenon or a concept of getting a proper D.C collector current at a certain D.C voltage by setting up a proper point .

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