Tuesday 12 January 2021

Why insects are attracted towards light ?

 Why insects are attracted towards light ?


Hello dear all readers ,

Welcome to this blog post !!!

Today in this article we will go to know about , why insects attracted towards light ?

As you seen that whenever at any place, where lamp, street light etc. are there, you able to see some number of insects covered the light lamp , isn't ? 

But here we are going to tell you one thing that, not all insects attracted towards lights, in this only some few insects are only attracted towards lights.

Which insects are attracted towards light ?

The only some few insects are only attracted towards light. Those insects are called as or known by name as positive phototaxis .

The positive phototaxis insects like such as Moth , flies etc. which is naturally attracted towards light .

As we going to know further , so there is a negative phototaxis insects are also exist on the earth and they are not attracted towards light. 

The negative phototaxis insects like such as, for examples cockroaches or earthworm. So it means that, the negative phototaxis insects are naturally repelled by an exposure to lights.

The concept on this topic is " why insects are attracted towards light " to knowing this philosophy, there is no any specific scientific explanation. but there are some theories.

The only several theories on which their offer a possible explanation , their are :

A) The phototaxis insect sees light as an emergency and a safety signal purpose.

B) The phototaxis insect use the light to help with their flight and navigation purposes.

C) These insects are naturally attracted towards light, which we know that by the other name called as or known as phototaxis insects.

Why do insects use light for their safety purpose ?

For the phototaxis insects , a bright source light is seen as an emergency beacon light. In condition when insect come in a doubt , so these insects naturally move head towards light source. 

They are positioned generally on a higher ground surface than the dangerous or we can say hazardous environment they current stay.

Source of light play a very important role for some insects. Its very familiar to safety signal of these insects.

Is just like as an air bubble , the air bubble lead the way or path to the surface of water for some kind of underwater creatures.

How do insects use light for navigation ?

The another very popular theory attraction of these insects towards light is for navigation.

For understanding purpose we take an one example : consider if an insect flying towards south direction , so to able to judge its direction by keeping a natural light source, like such as sun or moon.

So this method is come in works as long as the source of light remains in constant state.

Monday 11 January 2021

Why hot food is so tasty ?

 Why hot food is so tasty ?


Hello dear all readers ,

Welcome to this blog post !!!

In your daily routine life , you daily eat different different flavours of food . 

But have you ever thought or we can say have you ever think about on this concept, why we love to eat hot food ?

So friends this concept is going to be very interesting to know .

When you eat hot food or we can say in other words that when you eat warm food , have ever notice that it's taste much more than cold food , isn't it ???

So you ever thought that why is this happen ??

So let's come to know behind this science facts.

i) Here you know that whatever you consume food in daily routine life , how much flavours added in it ? But if it is not hot than all is meaningless, isn't ?

ii) So friends according to the researchers the reaction of TRPM5 in our taste buds is much more extraordinary when the temperature or we can say hotness of food or fluid is increases.

iii) If the food is hot than TRPM5 in our taste buds send a stronger electrical signal to the brain and we feel much more taste in food.

iv) So friend you have one question come into your mind is , what is TRPM5 ?

v) So the TRPM5 actually the full of this is (Transient Receptor Potential cation channel subfamily Member 5 ).

vi) The TRPM5 is a cation channel subfamily Member 5, it is very essential for transduction of tastes like such as bitter taste ,sweet taste and umami taste.

vii) So friends we hope you understand this concept or we can say that in other words that you understand this scientific facts in  easier and simpler way.

Saturday 9 January 2021

why does pizza always come in a square shape box ?

 Why does pizza always come in a square shape box ?


Hello dear all readers ,

Today here we come with a new fact , that is why does pizza always come in a square shape box ?

So friends this topic going to be very interesting and exciting , when you know this fact , isn't it ?

Have you ever want to know this ? Why pizza always come in a square shape box ? 

So here let's know the science behind this fact .

If we think here logically - [ If pizza is in round shape, it means that it's box are also come in round shape box !!! ]

So here the science behind this is ,

1) The pizza box is in square shape because manufacturing of a square shape box require just a single cardboard sheet .

2) And if we talk about round box than , a round box requires many several cardboard sheets , that need to be joined or we can say combined together by using a special type machinery .

3) The manufacturing of square boxes is quite cheaper and very simpler .

4) The square boxes can be very easily assembled on-site .

5) The square box transported in the form of flat cardboard sheets and also it is very easily stacked on one another .

6) And if we know about round boxes than, it is first need to be assembled by a special machinery , which is cost effective .

7) The round box , it is quite difficult to transport and also it is difficult to store huge piles of boxes on-site .

8) And if we know more further than , the square box contain spaces around the pizza in the square box , which making it easy to lift the pizza slice .

9) And also the square box contain empty space around , which can even be used to place chili flakes , oregano , etc.

We hope you understand this fact very simply and nicely in a scientific way .

Saturday 26 December 2020

What is corona virus ?

 What is corona virus ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Today we are going to discuss and know more in detail all about corona virus .

So here first of all let we know that , what is the mean of word " corona " so the mean of the word 'corona' is derived from Latin language it means "crown" or we can say that in other words "wreath" .

So as you already seen that the photo or image of these corona virus . These image or photo of the Corona virus is approximately or we can say very close to seen like crown of the king . So that on the approximate looks of corona virus as like as crown , so that's why these virus got the name corona virus . 

The corona virus is a one type of virus . As same as corona virus , there are many viruses are exist on the planet earth . But one thing is that they are all in non-active in condition .

So among the all viruses , the corona virus is as known by the name SARS-COV-2 caused a world wide pandemic of respiratory illness which is called as or known as COVID-19 .

So let's know about , what is the full form of COVID-19 , so that the CO- stands for corona , VI- stands for virus , D- stands for diseases and the last 19- stands for 2019 novel coronavirus or we can say that '2019-NCOV'.

From where these corona virus come from ?

The corona virus which we also called by the name SARS-Cov-2 and the disease which happen by these virus is called as or known as corona virus disease or we can also called by the other name Covid-19 .

The coronavirus disease started from first week of November 2019 . The place from where these disease got to seen or we can say starting point of these corona virus disease is in South china , Wuhan sea food market .

In this Wuhan sea food market there are many types of flesh product are selling such flesh products such as dog flesh , hen flesh , pig flesh , snake flesh , bat flesh etc. 

So overall these the sea food market is believed outbreak starting point of these corona virus disease .

Before, the reality is that the corona virus is mostly founded in animals . And also these virus is only exist in animal species . In the sea food market in wuhan city, the place where all flesh products are put together in one place . So therefore , these corona virus got chance to jump directly to human species by the process called mutation .

So let's know about, what is mean by mutation ?

The mutation happen or occur when a DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) gene is get damaged or we can say changed in such a way that as to alter the genetic message which is carried by that gene .

So in your mind one more question is come that ,  in so much of animals from which specific animals these coronavirus come from ?

Here the answer is in bat mammal !

So here in this paragraph we are going to know all about , how these corona virus spread ?

So according to today's researchers , they know that the new corona virus spread through the droplets of released into the air, when any infected person or a living being cough or as well as sneezes .

So generally the droplets is not travel long distance in air , is all because of they are in heavy state . So that when any infected person or living being coughing or sneezing on the spot , the droplets of coughing or sneezing fall on the ground . So that's why physical distancing play a very helpful major role to stop the spreading of these corona virus .

So here the given is the some symptoms of these corona virus or COVID-19 ?

i) Cough

ii) Fever or we can say that chills

iii) The shortness of breath or we can say difficulty in breathing .

iv) The Muscle aches or we can say that body aches

v) Sore throat

vi) Diarrhea

vii) New fatigue

viii) Nausea or we can say vomiting

ix) Congestion or runny nose

In some rare cases corona virus or we can say COVID-19 can lead to severe respiratory problem , kidney failure and death also .

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Why we swing our arms when we walking ?

 Why we swing our arms when we walking ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Have you ever think about , why do we swing ours arms when we walking ? .

We do this action because we want dance when walking on the road ...???  Naa...h !

Yeah it is something unknown for all of us , but behind this concept there is some scientific fact is exist .

So let's known or explore in detail about this interesting and exciting scientific reason behind this fact .

So for understanding this concept or phenomena , first of all we have to visualize or do practical performance of this walking action .

So first of all what we do while walking ? , usually when we walk we take our first step and swing our opposite arm in the forward direction .

So the question arises here why we do like this ???

So for that concept something scientists are still trying and working to figure out , why happen like this ? .

So however as per taken so much of experiment , it was found that or come to the conclusion that when we swing our arms while walking we use 12 percent less energy , as we compared when we walking hold our arms still .

So it means that normal arms swinging is not a muscle-driven work . It maintain the whole body naturally without any much more effort . 

So instead this philosophy , some other experts even suggest that our arms swinging helps to balance ours body's rotational motion .

So what happen on the philosophy of body's rotational motion . So it state that when we put our one leg forward the pelvis twist or we can say that in other words rotates sideways . 

So therefore forward swing of our opposite arms or hands counterbalance this rotational motion of our body .

So that's why we walk very easily and comfortably .

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely " why we swing our arms when we walking " ? .

Tuesday 22 December 2020

What is 3R mantra ?

 What is 3R mantra ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Here in this blog post we will go to see and discuss about on the topic ' 3R mantra ' .

So let know about what is 3R mantra ? So the 3R mantra is stand for Reduce , Reuse and Recycle .

So you surprised so much , what is the use of this 3R mantra : Reduce , Reuse and Recycle . What is the purpose of it ?

So by using this method we can able to approximately change the world again to it's green zone environment . 

So these 3R mantras is very significant for the planet earth to sustain in his green environment .

So by following these three mantras we are able to make our nature eco-friendly .

So let's go to see more in detail about these three mantras .

So we take first of all Reduce mantra : If you think about there are many things which you don't need . So there are many things which you don't need , when you go to the market , mall etc.  is your plastic bag .

When you go to the market or mall you don't need of plastic bag for carrying the load , so in the place of these plastic bags you can use paper bags or clothes bag for holding load .

So than you can able to Reduce the use of plastic bag for shopping .

In your home , office , school , colleges , lift , university , etc. switch off the fan and light by doing these you save the energy and Reduce more consumption of energy .

So let's talk and discuss about on the topic Reuse mantra : Here the word ' Reuse ' itself declared it's meaning that to take use of things until gone fully non-use .

So how many things do you think we can reuse again or in other words that taken in our work second chance again and again instead of throwing them .

i) The piece of paper , which is only printed in one side page , we can use on writing on the other side of the paper .

So you have questions that which things in our home , to take in use again after used those things .

So the following examples of these Reuse mantras

i) In our home whatever old news paper is left , we can take in use to make new new craft for doing creativity .

ii) In case of plastic , we can reduce to use of plastic by not taking plastic with shopkeeper when we go to market . So whatever plastic bag left in your home try to Reuse that plastic .

Now here the last mantra is Recycle : Now in the Recycle process , we can follow this last steps to helping our nature to stay in it's greenery position . 

So how we can do this process ?

i) So simply what we have to do now , find out in your home which things in your home is Recyclable

ii) And after collecting those things sell it to the Ragman or in other words we can say that to sell it to the kabadiwala's .

iii) So these Ragman or kabadiwala's give it to the Recycle factory or we can say sell to the Recycle factory .

iv) After Ragman sell the Recyclable things to the factory , the factory Recycle your thing or material and than again these product come in a market for selling purpose .

v) So as we constantly continue this process again and again than there is no chance of collecting unwanted material in our environment which leads to harmful for the nature .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " What is 3R mantra ? " .

Monday 21 December 2020

Why dogs can't eat chocolates ?

 Why dogs can't eat chocolates ?


Hello dear readers ,

Here in this blog post we will discuss more about on this topic , why dogs can't eat chocolates...?

This topic is quite going to be very amazing . Because here in this topic some wonderful and exciting fact hidden behind this .

So let's start about on this topic " why dogs can't eat chocolates " .

So here in this chocolates and other cocoa products , these all products contain a very dangerous component or we can say that in other words that contain very toxic component which is called as or known as theobromine .

So as we see in the market , many types or many varieties of chocolates are available . 

So all in this chocolates , the more darker color of chocolates the more theobromine contains in it . And because of contain of more in amount of theobromine in chocolates it leads to be more harmful .

Here you may have one question on this topic is that " we eat chocolates but we still be fine , how is this possible ? " .

Yes my dear friend , you question is absolutely correct , but the reason behind this is , when we eat chocolates at that time our body instantly metabolize the theobromine component or we can say that in other words that our body quickly digest the theobromine component .

So therefore it is not very quite harmful for us .

So in case of dogs the process of metabolize of theobromine is much more slowly process. So therefore the theobromine component stay in their body for a longer period of time , and thus the theobromine leads resulting in vomiting , diarrhea , etc .

And moreover if larger amount or we can say that in other words that in larger quantity of ingested or eaten by the dog .

It leads or effects can be much more severe . So that the heart rate of the dogs might beat twice to it's normal rate , increasing the blood flow .

So these prove that , it is very dangerous for the dogs or we can say that in other words that it is very very lethal for the dogs .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " Why dogs can't eat chocolates ? "

How Honey Bee make their honey ?

 How Honey Bee make their honey ?


Hello dear readers ,

Here in this blog post we will discuss more about on this topic , how Honey Bee make their honey ...?

This topic is quite going to be very interesting . Because in this concept some interesting fact hidden behind this .

So let's start about on this topic " How Honey Bee Make Their Honey " 

When we see the honey bee fill their honey comb with sweet honey , which hanging along the tree branches . 

We come into surprised and think , how they would be make honey by just sucking juice of flower . 

The question arises here because many big big industry , factories , small scale industry and large scale industry , etc. Does not make honey without taking help of Honey Bee .

So this is a big question and big fact of what is the secret fact behind this .

So to make honey the worker Honey Bee sucks sweet juice from flowers or we can say that in other words that nectar from flowers and stores this nectar in it's honey stomach .

After stores nectar from flower in it's honey stomach , the worker Honey Bee come back to the honeycomb / hive . 

After worker honey bee come to the honeycomb / hive it's vomit all the nectar which taking from flower to the processor honeybee's mouth .

So after taking processor Honey Bee nectar in it's mouth . So than the processor honey bee's in it's mouth and stomach one enzyme is produced which is called as invertase .

So these invertase added in nectar by the processor honey bee's in it's mouth and stomach .

So after added invertase in the nectar , the invertase breaks some amount of nectar into simple sugars like as glucose and fructose .

Than after happened these all processed than the processor honey bee's again vomit into another processor honey bee's mouth .

What is the work of another processor honey bee ?

The another processor Honey Bee added more invertase for breakdown more amount of nectar into simple sugar .

So these processed happened until most of  the nectar breakdown or converted into simple sugar .

So after happened all the processes of breakdown of nectar into simple sugar ,than the mixture of simple sugar is store or collected in the honeycomb .

So at this time ,the mixture is still watery in state . So to evaporates the water , Bees flap with their wing and thickens the mixture finally honey .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " How Honey Bee make their honey " .

Monday 7 December 2020

Elephant's ears are so big , why ?

 Elephant's ears are so big , why ?


Hello dear readers ! do you ever think why do elephant ears is so big or large ? I hope you also think and this type of question is also come into your mind sometime . 

* So let's know more detail in simply and precisely

First of all to understanding this concept , we have to think for human being means think about our self . It means that , when you do whatever activities or perform any type of action .

So generally when we perform any actions , our body temperature goes high or our body become hot . 

So for maintain the body temperature or hotness of the body , our body produces sweat by the sweat glands . The producing of sweat by the sweat gland is happen naturally by our body , when it feels the temperature of the body goes high or become too hot .

So here in elephant , the body of elephant size is too large as compared to other living being on the earth . 

So you think here , according to the size of the elephant body . How much heat it would be produces , in during performing any action or activities ? 

The answer is much more heat , it produces much more heat during performing their activities . So when this elephant body produces much more heat during performing their activities , so you think here how the elephant is bear so much heat ? 

As we think here in comparison between human body and elephant body heat . The elephant body heat is quite high .

So how the elephant body minimizing their body heat or temperature of the body . We have already know that , the only one way to minimizing the body heat is by the sweating process .

But here in case of this elephant , the producing of sweat is not possible . So that's why , this elephant minimizing their body temperature or body heat by their big-big ear . 

What they do ? Just flapling their ears and the extra body heat or body temperature starts releasing from their body .

So here one more question is arises that , what is actually inside in the elephant ears ? Or what is the specialty of these big ears of elephant ?

So let's know about this , In the inner side or inside of the elephant ears , we will find a web like network of tiny blood vessels . 

The skin of the elephant ears is quite thin , so the blood vessels is very close to the surface . 

So when the temperature or heat of the elephant blood is goes high to the temperature of the surrounding .

than for minimizing or balance the heat , so the elephant is just flapping the their ears and all the extra heat of the body releases from the body and elephant feels cool .

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely .

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