Monday 7 December 2020

Elephant's ears are so big , why ?

 Elephant's ears are so big , why ?


Hello dear readers ! do you ever think why do elephant ears is so big or large ? I hope you also think and this type of question is also come into your mind sometime . 

* So let's know more detail in simply and precisely

First of all to understanding this concept , we have to think for human being means think about our self . It means that , when you do whatever activities or perform any type of action .

So generally when we perform any actions , our body temperature goes high or our body become hot . 

So for maintain the body temperature or hotness of the body , our body produces sweat by the sweat glands . The producing of sweat by the sweat gland is happen naturally by our body , when it feels the temperature of the body goes high or become too hot .

So here in elephant , the body of elephant size is too large as compared to other living being on the earth . 

So you think here , according to the size of the elephant body . How much heat it would be produces , in during performing any action or activities ? 

The answer is much more heat , it produces much more heat during performing their activities . So when this elephant body produces much more heat during performing their activities , so you think here how the elephant is bear so much heat ? 

As we think here in comparison between human body and elephant body heat . The elephant body heat is quite high .

So how the elephant body minimizing their body heat or temperature of the body . We have already know that , the only one way to minimizing the body heat is by the sweating process .

But here in case of this elephant , the producing of sweat is not possible . So that's why , this elephant minimizing their body temperature or body heat by their big-big ear . 

What they do ? Just flapling their ears and the extra body heat or body temperature starts releasing from their body .

So here one more question is arises that , what is actually inside in the elephant ears ? Or what is the specialty of these big ears of elephant ?

So let's know about this , In the inner side or inside of the elephant ears , we will find a web like network of tiny blood vessels . 

The skin of the elephant ears is quite thin , so the blood vessels is very close to the surface . 

So when the temperature or heat of the elephant blood is goes high to the temperature of the surrounding .

than for minimizing or balance the heat , so the elephant is just flapping the their ears and all the extra heat of the body releases from the body and elephant feels cool .

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely .


Waltayr Dantas Filho said...

clearly and nicely understood, thanks

scientechplus said...

Thank you for your lovely feedback

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