Tuesday 22 December 2020

What is 3R mantra ?

 What is 3R mantra ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Here in this blog post we will go to see and discuss about on the topic ' 3R mantra ' .

So let know about what is 3R mantra ? So the 3R mantra is stand for Reduce , Reuse and Recycle .

So you surprised so much , what is the use of this 3R mantra : Reduce , Reuse and Recycle . What is the purpose of it ?

So by using this method we can able to approximately change the world again to it's green zone environment . 

So these 3R mantras is very significant for the planet earth to sustain in his green environment .

So by following these three mantras we are able to make our nature eco-friendly .

So let's go to see more in detail about these three mantras .

So we take first of all Reduce mantra : If you think about there are many things which you don't need . So there are many things which you don't need , when you go to the market , mall etc.  is your plastic bag .

When you go to the market or mall you don't need of plastic bag for carrying the load , so in the place of these plastic bags you can use paper bags or clothes bag for holding load .

So than you can able to Reduce the use of plastic bag for shopping .

In your home , office , school , colleges , lift , university , etc. switch off the fan and light by doing these you save the energy and Reduce more consumption of energy .

So let's talk and discuss about on the topic Reuse mantra : Here the word ' Reuse ' itself declared it's meaning that to take use of things until gone fully non-use .

So how many things do you think we can reuse again or in other words that taken in our work second chance again and again instead of throwing them .

i) The piece of paper , which is only printed in one side page , we can use on writing on the other side of the paper .

So you have questions that which things in our home , to take in use again after used those things .

So the following examples of these Reuse mantras

i) In our home whatever old news paper is left , we can take in use to make new new craft for doing creativity .

ii) In case of plastic , we can reduce to use of plastic by not taking plastic with shopkeeper when we go to market . So whatever plastic bag left in your home try to Reuse that plastic .

Now here the last mantra is Recycle : Now in the Recycle process , we can follow this last steps to helping our nature to stay in it's greenery position . 

So how we can do this process ?

i) So simply what we have to do now , find out in your home which things in your home is Recyclable

ii) And after collecting those things sell it to the Ragman or in other words we can say that to sell it to the kabadiwala's .

iii) So these Ragman or kabadiwala's give it to the Recycle factory or we can say sell to the Recycle factory .

iv) After Ragman sell the Recyclable things to the factory , the factory Recycle your thing or material and than again these product come in a market for selling purpose .

v) So as we constantly continue this process again and again than there is no chance of collecting unwanted material in our environment which leads to harmful for the nature .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " What is 3R mantra ? " .

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