Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Why we swing our arms when we walking ?

 Why we swing our arms when we walking ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Have you ever think about , why do we swing ours arms when we walking ? .

We do this action because we want dance when walking on the road ...???  Naa...h !

Yeah it is something unknown for all of us , but behind this concept there is some scientific fact is exist .

So let's known or explore in detail about this interesting and exciting scientific reason behind this fact .

So for understanding this concept or phenomena , first of all we have to visualize or do practical performance of this walking action .

So first of all what we do while walking ? , usually when we walk we take our first step and swing our opposite arm in the forward direction .

So the question arises here why we do like this ???

So for that concept something scientists are still trying and working to figure out , why happen like this ? .

So however as per taken so much of experiment , it was found that or come to the conclusion that when we swing our arms while walking we use 12 percent less energy , as we compared when we walking hold our arms still .

So it means that normal arms swinging is not a muscle-driven work . It maintain the whole body naturally without any much more effort . 

So instead this philosophy , some other experts even suggest that our arms swinging helps to balance ours body's rotational motion .

So what happen on the philosophy of body's rotational motion . So it state that when we put our one leg forward the pelvis twist or we can say that in other words rotates sideways . 

So therefore forward swing of our opposite arms or hands counterbalance this rotational motion of our body .

So that's why we walk very easily and comfortably .

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely " why we swing our arms when we walking " ? .

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

What is 3R mantra ?

 What is 3R mantra ?


Hello dear all my readers ,

Here in this blog post we will go to see and discuss about on the topic ' 3R mantra ' .

So let know about what is 3R mantra ? So the 3R mantra is stand for Reduce , Reuse and Recycle .

So you surprised so much , what is the use of this 3R mantra : Reduce , Reuse and Recycle . What is the purpose of it ?

So by using this method we can able to approximately change the world again to it's green zone environment . 

So these 3R mantras is very significant for the planet earth to sustain in his green environment .

So by following these three mantras we are able to make our nature eco-friendly .

So let's go to see more in detail about these three mantras .

So we take first of all Reduce mantra : If you think about there are many things which you don't need . So there are many things which you don't need , when you go to the market , mall etc.  is your plastic bag .

When you go to the market or mall you don't need of plastic bag for carrying the load , so in the place of these plastic bags you can use paper bags or clothes bag for holding load .

So than you can able to Reduce the use of plastic bag for shopping .

In your home , office , school , colleges , lift , university , etc. switch off the fan and light by doing these you save the energy and Reduce more consumption of energy .

So let's talk and discuss about on the topic Reuse mantra : Here the word ' Reuse ' itself declared it's meaning that to take use of things until gone fully non-use .

So how many things do you think we can reuse again or in other words that taken in our work second chance again and again instead of throwing them .

i) The piece of paper , which is only printed in one side page , we can use on writing on the other side of the paper .

So you have questions that which things in our home , to take in use again after used those things .

So the following examples of these Reuse mantras

i) In our home whatever old news paper is left , we can take in use to make new new craft for doing creativity .

ii) In case of plastic , we can reduce to use of plastic by not taking plastic with shopkeeper when we go to market . So whatever plastic bag left in your home try to Reuse that plastic .

Now here the last mantra is Recycle : Now in the Recycle process , we can follow this last steps to helping our nature to stay in it's greenery position . 

So how we can do this process ?

i) So simply what we have to do now , find out in your home which things in your home is Recyclable

ii) And after collecting those things sell it to the Ragman or in other words we can say that to sell it to the kabadiwala's .

iii) So these Ragman or kabadiwala's give it to the Recycle factory or we can say sell to the Recycle factory .

iv) After Ragman sell the Recyclable things to the factory , the factory Recycle your thing or material and than again these product come in a market for selling purpose .

v) So as we constantly continue this process again and again than there is no chance of collecting unwanted material in our environment which leads to harmful for the nature .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " What is 3R mantra ? " .

Monday, 21 December 2020

Why dogs can't eat chocolates ?

 Why dogs can't eat chocolates ?


Hello dear readers ,

Here in this blog post we will discuss more about on this topic , why dogs can't eat chocolates...?

This topic is quite going to be very amazing . Because here in this topic some wonderful and exciting fact hidden behind this .

So let's start about on this topic " why dogs can't eat chocolates " .

So here in this chocolates and other cocoa products , these all products contain a very dangerous component or we can say that in other words that contain very toxic component which is called as or known as theobromine .

So as we see in the market , many types or many varieties of chocolates are available . 

So all in this chocolates , the more darker color of chocolates the more theobromine contains in it . And because of contain of more in amount of theobromine in chocolates it leads to be more harmful .

Here you may have one question on this topic is that " we eat chocolates but we still be fine , how is this possible ? " .

Yes my dear friend , you question is absolutely correct , but the reason behind this is , when we eat chocolates at that time our body instantly metabolize the theobromine component or we can say that in other words that our body quickly digest the theobromine component .

So therefore it is not very quite harmful for us .

So in case of dogs the process of metabolize of theobromine is much more slowly process. So therefore the theobromine component stay in their body for a longer period of time , and thus the theobromine leads resulting in vomiting , diarrhea , etc .

And moreover if larger amount or we can say that in other words that in larger quantity of ingested or eaten by the dog .

It leads or effects can be much more severe . So that the heart rate of the dogs might beat twice to it's normal rate , increasing the blood flow .

So these prove that , it is very dangerous for the dogs or we can say that in other words that it is very very lethal for the dogs .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " Why dogs can't eat chocolates ? "

How Honey Bee make their honey ?

 How Honey Bee make their honey ?


Hello dear readers ,

Here in this blog post we will discuss more about on this topic , how Honey Bee make their honey ...?

This topic is quite going to be very interesting . Because in this concept some interesting fact hidden behind this .

So let's start about on this topic " How Honey Bee Make Their Honey " 

When we see the honey bee fill their honey comb with sweet honey , which hanging along the tree branches . 

We come into surprised and think , how they would be make honey by just sucking juice of flower . 

The question arises here because many big big industry , factories , small scale industry and large scale industry , etc. Does not make honey without taking help of Honey Bee .

So this is a big question and big fact of what is the secret fact behind this .

So to make honey the worker Honey Bee sucks sweet juice from flowers or we can say that in other words that nectar from flowers and stores this nectar in it's honey stomach .

After stores nectar from flower in it's honey stomach , the worker Honey Bee come back to the honeycomb / hive . 

After worker honey bee come to the honeycomb / hive it's vomit all the nectar which taking from flower to the processor honeybee's mouth .

So after taking processor Honey Bee nectar in it's mouth . So than the processor honey bee's in it's mouth and stomach one enzyme is produced which is called as invertase .

So these invertase added in nectar by the processor honey bee's in it's mouth and stomach .

So after added invertase in the nectar , the invertase breaks some amount of nectar into simple sugars like as glucose and fructose .

Than after happened these all processed than the processor honey bee's again vomit into another processor honey bee's mouth .

What is the work of another processor honey bee ?

The another processor Honey Bee added more invertase for breakdown more amount of nectar into simple sugar .

So these processed happened until most of  the nectar breakdown or converted into simple sugar .

So after happened all the processes of breakdown of nectar into simple sugar ,than the mixture of simple sugar is store or collected in the honeycomb .

So at this time ,the mixture is still watery in state . So to evaporates the water , Bees flap with their wing and thickens the mixture finally honey .

So we hope you understand this concept clearly and nicely " How Honey Bee make their honey " .

Monday, 7 December 2020

Elephant's ears are so big , why ?

 Elephant's ears are so big , why ?


Hello dear readers ! do you ever think why do elephant ears is so big or large ? I hope you also think and this type of question is also come into your mind sometime . 

* So let's know more detail in simply and precisely

First of all to understanding this concept , we have to think for human being means think about our self . It means that , when you do whatever activities or perform any type of action .

So generally when we perform any actions , our body temperature goes high or our body become hot . 

So for maintain the body temperature or hotness of the body , our body produces sweat by the sweat glands . The producing of sweat by the sweat gland is happen naturally by our body , when it feels the temperature of the body goes high or become too hot .

So here in elephant , the body of elephant size is too large as compared to other living being on the earth . 

So you think here , according to the size of the elephant body . How much heat it would be produces , in during performing any action or activities ? 

The answer is much more heat , it produces much more heat during performing their activities . So when this elephant body produces much more heat during performing their activities , so you think here how the elephant is bear so much heat ? 

As we think here in comparison between human body and elephant body heat . The elephant body heat is quite high .

So how the elephant body minimizing their body heat or temperature of the body . We have already know that , the only one way to minimizing the body heat is by the sweating process .

But here in case of this elephant , the producing of sweat is not possible . So that's why , this elephant minimizing their body temperature or body heat by their big-big ear . 

What they do ? Just flapling their ears and the extra body heat or body temperature starts releasing from their body .

So here one more question is arises that , what is actually inside in the elephant ears ? Or what is the specialty of these big ears of elephant ?

So let's know about this , In the inner side or inside of the elephant ears , we will find a web like network of tiny blood vessels . 

The skin of the elephant ears is quite thin , so the blood vessels is very close to the surface . 

So when the temperature or heat of the elephant blood is goes high to the temperature of the surrounding .

than for minimizing or balance the heat , so the elephant is just flapping the their ears and all the extra heat of the body releases from the body and elephant feels cool .

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely .

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Derive or expression for the angle of banking

 Derive or expression for the angle of banking

Ans : 



So first of all , we will discuss about what is angle of banking

The angle of banking is that , the angle made or make by the surface of road with the horizontal surface of road is called as or known as angle of banking .

So let consider a vehicle of mass m is moving with speed v on a banked road , banked at an angle  (θ) as shown in the diagram .

So here let consider F be the frictional force between tyres of the vehicle and the road surface . So here let's learn , the forces acting on the vehicle is ,

i) The weight mg acting vertically downward.

ii) The normal reaction N in the upward direction through C.G .

Here the frictional force in between tyres of the vehicle and the road surface can be resolved by into the, 

F (cosθ)  --  along horizontal direction

F (sinθ)  --  along vertically downward direction .

iii) The normal reaction N can be resolved into two components : 

a) N (cosθ) along vertical direction .

b) N (sinθ) along horizontal direction .

iv) The component N cosθ balances or equalises the weight mg of the vehicle and component F sinθ of the frictional force .

Therefore  N cosθ = mg + F (sinθ)

Therefore  N cosθ  - F sinθ = mg--------(consider equation 1) .

v) The horizontal component N sinθ along with the component F cosθ of frictional forces provides the necessary centripetal force  mv^2 / r .

Therefore   N sinθ + F cosθ = mv^2 / r   ----------(consider equation 2) .

vi) So dividing the equation (2) by (1) ,


So the magnitude of the frictional force depends on the speed of vehicle for a given road surface and tyres of the vehicle .

vii) Let we consider Vmax be the maximum speed of vehicle , and the frictional force produced at this speed given as ,


Now dividing the numerator and denominator of equation (5) by N cosθ , we have ,SCIENTECHPLUSSCIENTECHPLUSSCIENTECHPLUSSCIENTECHPLUS

viii) For a curved horizontal road θ0° , therefore equation (6) becomes ,SCIENTECHPLUS

ix) Comparing equation (6) and (7) it is concluded that maximum safe speed of vehicle on a banked road is greater than that of curved horizontal road or level road .

x) If Î¼ = 0  , then equation (7) becomes ,


So at this speed , the frictional force is not needed to provided necessary centripetal force . So therefore will be a little wear and tear of tyres , if vehicle is driven at this speed on the banked road , v (not) is called as optimum speed , 

xi) From the equation (8) as we write , 


 xii) Here the equation (9) represents angle of banking of a banked road . Formula for angle of banking does not require mass of vehicle m . Hence angle of banking is independent of mass of the vehicle .

So we hope you understand this derivation of angle of banking with clearly and nicely !

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Define and explain centrifugal or pseudo force

Define and explain centrifugal or pseudo force

Ans :

Hello dear friends , did you know that , what is centrifugal force ? .

So let's know about and define this , 

Centrifugal force : The force acting on a particle performing uniform circular motion (U.C.M) which is along the radius and directed away from centre of circle is called as or known as centrifugal force .

The magnitude of centrifugal force is same as that of centripetal force , but it act in a opposite direction . 

So let's learn in detail about this centrifugal force

i) The uniform circular motion (U.C.M) is an accelerated motion . Therefore , when a particle performing uniform circular motion (U.C.M) is in an accelerated ( non-inertial ) frame of reference .

ii) In the non-inertial frame of reference , an imaginary force or we can say that in other words that pseudo force is to be considered in order to apply Newton's laws of motion .

iii) The magnitude of this pseudo force or we can say that in other words that centrifugal force , is same as that of centripetal force , but its direction is opposite to that of centripetal force . Therefore , this pseudo force is called as or known as centrifugal force .

iv) Let consider m is the mass of the particle performing uniform circular motion (U.C.M) , than centrifugal force experienced by the body is given by , 

F (CF)  =  mv^2 / r

But  v  =  rw  

Therefore  F (CF)  =  mrw^2

v) In the vector form ,

F (CF)  =  mw^2 r

Therefore  F (CF)  =  mv^2 ro / r

Where as  ro = unit vector in the direction of r .

* So here you think , why we called centrifugal force is called as or known as pseudo force ,

So let's learn more about this concept in simple in manner : 

a) The centrifugal force , whose origin is not defined due to the known natural interaction is called as pseudo force or we can say that centrifugal force .

b) Here the known natural interaction are like as , gravitational force , electromagnetic force , nuclear force , frictional force , etc these are the known natural interaction of this pseudo force or we can say that centrifugal force .

c) The Centrifugal force or we can say that pseudo force is directed opposite to the direction of accelerated frame of reference .

d) The centrifugal force or we can say that pseudo force is a fictitious force , which arises due to the acceleration of the frame of reference . Therefore , it is called as or known as pseudo force .

* Let's we will discuss about application of centrifugal force in our day to day routine life .

i) So here we take a first example , when a bus in motion or in a movement takes a sudden turn towards left , the passenger in the bus experience an outward push to the right . This is due to happen by the centrifugal force acting on the passenger .

ii) So let's take a second example , a bucket full of water is rotated in a vertical circle at a particular speed , so that the water does not fall . This is because of , weight of water is balanced by centrifugal force acting on it .

iii) So here we take the third example of this centrifugal force , the children sitting in merry-go-round experience an outward pull as merry-go-round rotates about it's vertical axis. This is due to happen by the centrifugal force acting on the children .

iv) So here we take fourth example on the centrifugal force , a coin kept slightly away from the axis of rotation of turn table moves away from the axis of rotation as the speed (acceleration) of rotation of turn table increases or rises . This is due to centrifugal force acting on it .

v) The bulging of earth at the equator and flattening at the poles is due to centrifugal force acting on it .

vi) The drier in washing machine consist of a cylindrical vessel with perforated walls . As the cylindrical vessel is rotating fast , centrifugal or pseudo force acts on wet clothes . 

This centrifugal force , out water through perforations thereby drying wet cloth quickly .

vii) The centrifuge works on the principle of centrifugal force or we can say that pseudo force . In the centrifuge , a test tube containing liquid , along with suspended particle is whirled in a horizontal circle . The denser particles are acted upon by the centrifugal force , hence they get accumulated at bottom which is on outside while rotating .

So we hope you understand this concept or phenomena of centrifugal force or we can say that pseudo force well n well .

Sunday, 29 November 2020

The unit and measurement | physics

Here in this blog content , we will go to learn more about this unit and measurement .

So before we learn about unit and measurement , let's talk about field of measurement .

1) Physics 

2) physical quantity

3) units

4) Measurement 

So here , let's know about this given concept one by one .

1) Physics : The physics defined as , it is the branch of science , which deals with study of matter and natural phenomena .

2) Physical quantity : The physical quantities defined as , the quantity which are included in the physics is called as or known as physical quantities .

For an example : i) Length , ii) Mass , iii) Time , iv) Temperature , v) Velocity , etc.

3) Unit : The unit is defined as , the standard which are used for measurement purpose of physical quantities is called as or known as unit .

 4) Measurement : The measurement is defined as , the comparison of unknown quantity with respect respect to fixed quantity is called as or known as measurement . 

So let's known about , what is the requirement of unit ?

i) The first requirement of unit is , it should be universally accepted .

ii) The second requirement of unit is , it should be invariable with time and place .

iii) The third requirement of unit is , it should be well define .

iv) The fifth requirement of unit is , it should not be too large or too small .

v) The sixth requirement of unit is , it should be reproducible .

vi) The seventh requirement of unit is , it should be easily convert into smaller unit .

* Let's know about ,

a) Fundamental quantities : So the fundamental quantities is defined as , the quantity , which does not depends on any other quantities for their measurement is called as or known as fundamental quantities .

b) Fundamental unit : The fundamental unit is defined as , the unit of fundamental quantity is called as or known as fundamental unit .

What are the seven fundamental quantities ?

Fundamental quantities     Fundamental unit

1) Length                                    m ( metre ) 

2) Mass                                        kg ( kilogram )

3) Time                                        s ( second ) 

4) Temperature                         k ( kelvin ) 

5) Electric current                     A ( ampere )

6) Luminous intensity              cd ( candela )

7) Amount of substance           mole


c) Derived quantity : The derived quantity is defined as , the quantity which depends upon one or more fundamental quantities is called as or known as derived quantity .

d) Derived unit : The derived unit is defined as , the unit of derived quantity is called as or known as derived unit .

So let's see the example of this derived quantities .

Derived quantity                 Derived unit

1) Area                                        m^2

2) Volume                                   m^3

3) Velocity                                   m/s

4) Acceleration                           m/s^2

5) Speed                                       m/s

6) Pressure                               N/m^2 or pascal

7) Impulse                         N.s (newton second)

8) Momentum                         kg . m/s

9) Stress                                    N/m^2

10) Strain                               strain has no unit

11) Frequency                         hertz ( Hz )

12) work                           kg . m^2/s^2  or joule

13) Power                          watt or joule/second


* What is systems of unit ? 

Ans : A set of fundamental unit and derived unit is called as or known as system of unit .

There are units are available in different groups . The system of units , which are used in C.G.S , M.K.S , F.P.S , and S.I . Here length mass and time are taken as basic physical quantities , using these basic quantities many physical quantities are derived .

1) C.G.S : Here in this C.G.S system , the unit length , mass and time are take as centimetre , gram and second respectively .

2) M.K.S : Here in this M.K.S system , the unit length , mass and time are taken as metre kilogram and second respectively .

3) F.P.S ( British system ) : Here in this F.P.S system , the unit length , mass and time are taken as foot pound and second .

4) S.I : Here in this , the S.I it is the abbreviation of international system of unit.

* So here , let's know about rules to write the unit ,

1) The unit name after scientist are not written with a capital letter .

For an example :

Right this one --  i) newton , ii) henry , iii) watt , etc.

Not right this one -- i) Newton , ii) Henry , iii) Watt , etc.

2) The symbol of unit name after scientist should be written in capital .

For an example : i) N - for newton , ii) H - for henry , iii) W - watt , etc.

3) Small letters are used as symbol for unit .

For an example : i) kilogram - kg , ii) metre - m

4) There is no full-stop or any punctuation mark should be used before or after the symbol of unit .

For an example :

Not right -- i) 40 m;   ii) 40.m   iii) 40m.

Right this one -- i) 40 m ii) 40 m  iii) 40 m

And last one is ,

5) The symbol of unit is always written in singular form .

For an example :

Right this one -- i) 1kg   ii) 10kg

Not right --     1kgs  ii) 10kgs

* So let's see the significant figures ,

The digit from ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ) which are useful for assigning a true value to result is called as or known as significant figure .

So we learn ' Rules to write this significant figures '

1) So here in this all the digit from ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ) are significant figures .

2) The second ones is , the zero become significant , if it comes in between two non-zero digits .

For an example : i) 102 km   ii 101 litre water

3) In the third rule , the all zero to the right side of decimal point and left side zero digit are non-significant .

For an example : i) 0.0123 -- 3 significant  figure

4) In the fourth rule , the zero is significant , if it is to the right side of non-zero digit after decimal point .

For an example : 0.2300 --. 4 significant figure

5) And in the fifth rule , if zero is in right side of the non-zero number than it may be significant or may be not .

For an example : i) 0.00476  -- 3 significant figure

ii) 1.024  -- 4 significant

* So let's learn about , what is an error ,

Error : So an error is define as , a fault or mistake can be observed even after most careful observation are taken for measurement is called as or known as error.

So here we will go to learn about the different types of error ,

1) Instrumentation error : In instrumentation an error causes due to faulty instrument is called as or known as instrumental error . 

So how we can fix this type of an instrumentation error ?

Ans : we actually fix this type of instrumentation error , by replacing faulty instrument with another instrument .

2) Systematic error : Systematic type an error cause due to faulty setting by the observer or an experiment is called as or known as systematic error .

So how we can fix this type of an error ?

Ans : So we can fix this systematic error or minimize this systematic error by identifying it's causes .

3) Random error : Random type an error causes due to climatic condition and human limitation is called as or known as random error .

So how we can fix this type of Random error?

Ans : We fix this Random error or minimize this Random error , by performing multiple time of an experiment and taking large number of reading . So that we can fix or minimize this type of an error .

Saturday, 28 November 2020

The advantage and disadvantage of indoor antenna amplifier

 The advantage and disadvantage of indoor antenna amplifier




So here in this blog content , first of all we will go to learn more about , what is indoor antenna ? . So the answer is , the indoor antenna is one type of antenna which receive t.v signal , but in this , it is actually place inside in the house and not place or mounted on the roof of house .

So we hope you understand , what is indoor antenna simply !

This indoor antenna is usually think about a very simple and inexpensive solution that may run well , when the receiver is close by to the transmitter . It's mean that , when receiver side and transmitter side relatively close to each other , than it's possible to transmitter and receiver do their work properly .

Instead of this , if both are shifted to a far distance , than it is loses it's frequency and it is failed to receive the signal . And will we no longer to watch the t.v channels .

So let's discuss about it's advantage and disadvantage .

First we take Advantage of indoor antenna amplifier

1) The indoor antenna amplifier is affordable : This indoor antenna amplifier is first of all free . We can install this indoor antenna amplifier by our-self , we did not pay any annual payment fees , as like as we pay fees for cable and satellite in annual payment antenna .

2) The indoor antenna is adaptable : Here the second advantage of this indoor antenna amplifier is more adaptable . It means that we can place in any where in our home , without taking much more tension . We simply place this indoor antenna amplifier on the t.v also .

3) The indoor antenna is work well in both rural and urban areas : As we see this , indoor antenna amplifier it's size is small as compared to roof antenna , so it's easily available everywhere . And also work with great potency .

Now , we will go to see the Disadvantage of this indoor antenna amplifier

1) In indoor antenna amplifier has very less channel choice option : In this indoor antenna amplifier , we sadly say that , if you are going to install this indoor antenna amplifier , than you have to accept this limited t.v channel choice option .

We can access number of channel in this indoor antenna amplifier , but if we talk about cable and satellite networks , it's provide our user far more t.v channel choice option .

2) The second most disadvantage of this indoor antenna amplifier is susceptible to interference : So here in this disadvantage , in the indoor antenna amplifier is , when transmitter transmit it's signal frequency the walls and ceiling of the house do not permit the signal to make allow to go to the receiver point.

Or we can say that in other words that , it weakens the signal frequency to go to the receiver side .

So because of this issue , the broadcaster needs high frequency for transmitting signal to the receiver side .

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