Monday 31 January 2022

What is history behind valentine’s day ? Why we celebrate every year valentines ‘day ? Do you know ?

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Every year we celebrate valentine's day, But we dont’ know the reason behind this day.

Actually what happened behind this day is, we all are very familiar with the western countries culture. Every western couple, they are not believe in marry. They always believe in “live in relationship”.

The meaning of “live in relationship” is ,for a some time or for some days, they live like a husband & wife with each other. And meaning of “Marry” word is totally opposite from “live in relationship” Marry means for lifetime couples live with each other.

Saint Valentine

In the land of Rome, the great saint valentine born. When saint valentine seen, the culture of western and culture of Easten countries. They totally surprised, and think how vast difference in between both Easten & Western culture.

They seen that in eastern country side, couples marry with each other and live for lifetime each other. But in case of western country side couples not marry, they only believe to “live in relationship”.

To stop this tradition “live in relationship” they put their voice agaist this culture. And start motivate couples to marry with each other. But by seen all this incident happend in his country.

But the king of Rome was very cruelty in nature. By his nature they are very popular in the world. The name of king is “CLAUDIUS”.

The Rome king Claudius believe in, female is only for brothels. But in the state of Rome, this saint valentine go to every people house and tell to them, Please marry with each other and live for Lifetime.

The reason behind, why great saint valentine teach people to marry with each other.

i》In married life, the complexity is reduces. 

ii》There are very less chance of getting bigger disease.

iii》Getting of veneral disease is less.

Saint valentine are very popular and famous for his marry culture in the Rome. By seen all this “marry culture” in Rome. The King Claudius are very Angry against saint valetine and give order to hang.

In those day’s whatever order given by the King, that is used to the law. On 14 February since 4058, the great saint valentine hanged.

So that ,the people or couples who inspire by this saint valantine and get marry. They are very sad. So in the remembrance of the great saint valentine, so this day celebrate as “valentine's day”.

But we celebrate this day because we know this day is a romance day for Girlfriend & Boyfriend. 

And we see in our society, this valentine day celebrate in our school, colleges even our houses. But in our country, our girls and boys send valentine cards each other and what they write in the card !  that is “would you make my valentine this year”. 

But we Don’t know actually why we celebrate this valentine day. For what reason we celebrate, the answer is, without any reason. We celebrate is because, we think this day is specially for girls, boys and couples romance. But this is not the truth behind, on this day we all tribute to the great saint Valentine.

Salute to Saint Valentine who came to earth and showed us the right path.

 I hope this year you know very clearly, that is why we celebrate valentine’s day every year.







Automasive Technology pvt said...

Nice I have understood the truth behind valentine’s day beautiful, wonderful, lovely, awesome bro but one is I don't understand that why we celebrate Kick day, chocolate day,kiss day,ect.

Anonymous said...

By know the history of the Valentine's day.On basis of that
this all day, they celebrate in their "live in Relationships".

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's correct !!!

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