Try to avoid consume of market sugar in your daily routine life, market sugar is very harmful for your health, here you known about the harmful effects of market sugar and what are the alternative of these market sugar !!!
Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this new concept, here you cone to know that, the harmful effect by sugar on our health.
And we will also know here alternatives of sugar for our daily routine life !!!
So my friends let's come to topic,
First of all we talk about natural sugar,
So you naturally ask about, what is natural sugar ???
Whatever fruits, vegetable we eat in our meal, from these fruits and vegetable than whatever sugar we get, so this sugar is known as or called as natural sugar.
These natural sugar is simple sugar, which is very easily digest by our digestive system.
If we use here in chemistry language terms than these natural sugar is in 'monosaccharide' form.
Our digestive system consume and take these natural sugar very fastly and easily without spend lots of energy to digest.
These natural sugar is healthy for us.
And if we talk about, which substance is create barrier for these natural sugar to digest in our body ??? So that is market sugar.
Actually market sugar is the sugar which is made from sugar cane.
So these market sugar is very dangerous for our whole health.
These market sugar is not easily digest by our body.
If we talk about in chemistry language terms than these market sugar is in polysaccharide form.
Our body directly not taken in use these polysaccharide form of sugar.
So therefore our body spend lots of energy to break down these polysaccharide form into monosaccharide form.
So for that, our body needs lots of insulin chemical which generated by our pancreas gland.
When we eat market sugar, as we know that these market sugar contain polysaccharides form of sugar.
So our body do not taken in digestive process of these polysaccharides form of sugar.
So in our body one gland is there, whose name is pancreas gland, so these pancreas gland make insulin hormone.
So for that, there is require lots of insulin hormone to convert these polysaccharides form of sugar into monosaccharide form of sugar.
So actually in these process, insulin hormone work very hard on to convert polysaccharides form of sugar into disaccharides form of sugar.
And again these disaccharides form of sugar converted into monosaccharide form of sugar.
So our body taken in use to digest these monosaccharide form of sugar.
So you may thought that, how long process to convert polysaccharides form of sugar into monosaccharide form of sugar.
So that our pancreas gland uses lots of energy to produce insulin hormone for converting polysaccharides form of sugar into monosaccharide form of sugar.
So that's why as we increasing load day by day on the pancreas gland, than slowly slowy it become weaker.
And for that, if our pancreas glands become weak, than there is shortage of producing of insulin hormone in our body.
So like wise, if we keep eating these market sugar than, you can thought that what happen with our pancreas gland.
Slowly slowly it become loose efficiency of producing insulin hormone.
Which is very very important for converting polysaccharide form of sugar into monosaccharide form.
Simply you understand that, without insulin chemical our body not digest any sugar substances.
So where this insulin hormone come from ?
These insulin chemical made by our pancreas glands. So you might be thought, how much energy required by pancreas glands to manufacture these insulin hormone.
There is lots of energy required by pancreas glands to make insulin chemical.
So when we consume these market sugar, than our body spend lots of energy to make consumeable and digestable for our body.
I mean to say that, these market sugar is not good for our health or digestive system.
What happen if we continously consume these market sugar ?
If we continously keep consuming or eating these market sugar, than the efficiency of our body slow down.
There is lots of required insulin hormone to make these polysaccharide sugar into simple sugar or monosaccharide form of sugar.
For manufacturing these insulin hormone the pancreas gland use lots of energy.
If like wise pancreas do lots of work on making these insulin hormone than 100 percent the person is affected by diabetes disease.
And if those people affected by diabetes diseases than those people may also affected by heart attack.
And the people who affected by diabetes diseases than those people may also affected by impotence.
Diabetes diseases may also affected your loss of vision of your eyes.
And the people who got hit by diabetes disease, simply they are nothing in the world.
So from today's stop consuming these market sugar in your tea, food, meal, breakfast etc.
And if we talk about alternatives of these market sugar than here is,
i) Honey : Try to involve in your breakfast honey, which is very best for your health.
ii) Jaggery : Jaggery is very very best alternatives for you sugar in your home.
So these are the some best alternatives of market sugar.
So we hope you know this information very well.
So keep yourself safe by involve right food in your daily routine life
So we will meet you with new amazing concept.
Goodbye !!!
Thank you...!!!