Thursday 11 February 2021

Know why your stomach is known by "the second brain"

Know why your stomach is known by "the second brain"

Know why your stomach is known by "the second brain"

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you come to know the most interesting and most exclusive fact.

So let's explore this concept in simply and easily !!!

If we talk about our mind, than only one thing is come first in our mind.

Don't know ??? What I am talk about !!!

Actually my friend, I talk about our brain.

We all of us known that, we have only one brain in our body.

But but but my friend......It's not true. OK!

We all know that, we have only one brain, which stay in the head, isn't it ?

The brain which stay in our head is not work at all to control our whole system very well. Right !

The brain stay in our head, it have some limitation or we can say it is insufficient to take control all over our body.

In our stomach, there is one brain exist, which is very well known by the name "THE SECOND BRAIN"

So my friends, you got surprised when you heard some odd like fact, isn't it ???

But my friends is a true !!!

This stomach brain is more intelligent as we compared to our head brain (The brain which stay in our head).

Do you know that my friends, Many neurons is in our stomach as we compared to number of neurons in our head brain.

Do you know that, the decision taking about our mood is more strongly taken by our stomach as we compared to our head brain.

In our life we learn or do new new skill, work, activities etc. what you think about ???

It's all done by our single brain, No!

In our daily routine life we learn so much of information and many more.

Whatever you gain information and all knowledge gain  in your whole life, so what you thinks about ?

It's all managed and control by our head brain ???


The combination of both our head brain or stomach ( gut brain). To make learning faster.

The contribution of these two brain, that's why we can learn so much of knowledge without in a limited way.

Our head brain take help from our stomach it means  from our gut brain.  And this nervous system is called as or known as "ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM"

Even though our head brain and our stomach (gut brain) are in different shapes.

Then also both are connected with each other by our vagus nerve.

Our whole digestive system have millions and millions of neurons in it.

If we talk about thinking process of our head brain, So in that also our gut brain more effectively think.

Our hormones, mood, feelings are all control by our gut brain.

So don't underestimate our gut brain. It is more efficient than our head brain.

The chemical "Dopamine" so it is a pleasure chemical which makes your mood happy.

It is mostly found in our gut brain approximately up to 95%.

And the left 5% is found in our head brain.

Let's move to know further,

Here actually we up to know that, the medicine of depression is only work to control on our head brain.

But my friends it's not like that.

Most of the depression medicine is work on our stomach (gut brain) to cure depression.

In our stomach, along with neurons many bacteria is present, which most effectively control over our mood and our immune system.

Our stomach is very intelligent, it can tell about our future also.

So you might be thought that, how can be our stomach (gut brain) is so intelligent.

So the simple answer is, we live in this world with lots of information.

Every single of the second, whatever we see, touch, speak, feel, learn, gather all information etc.

So the all information is about "4 LAKH CRORE OF BIT" in every single of the second.

But our conscious mind is only aware or we can say our conscious mind is only focus and think about "5 to 10 thousands of bit" in per second.

So whatever the information which our conscious mind is not aware about it.

So that all left over information is goes to our subconscious mind and another one copy of information is goes to our stomach (gut brain).

As we know that, our head brain and our gut brain both are connected with vagus nerve.

So that, if there is any risk come into our future than both these mind communicate and gives signal, and we feel, there will be something goes wrong in the future or something happening in the future.

So that's why our gut brain is the most intelligent brain in the body.

So we hope you love this information from your heart.

It's really very great and interesting concept for all of us.

Thank you...!!!

Sunday 7 February 2021

You know that ? Our eyes get close during, when we sneezing !!!

 You know that ? Our eyes get close during when we sneezing !!!

You know that ? Our eyes get close during when we sneezing !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so in this concept, you come to know the most interesting and amazing fact of the day.

So let's explore it,

Hello friends, we have an experience of these sneezing in our day to day life, isn't it ?

So have we ever thought on this topic, why our eyes get close in during sneezing time ?

If you thought on this topic than please tell me in the comment box!!!

So let's know here all about on this concept,

So simply sneezing is happen without our control.

So as like sneezing, many functions of our body, which is not in our control, right !!!

So in our body, the function which is not in our control is all done automatically by our involuntary muscles.

So let's take an one example, i) Our body has many function which run or we can say many function happen without our control.

So this are, 1) Our heart beat, 2) Our digestion system 3) Our respiratory system and many more like this...!!!

So sneezing also not in our control, right !

So if we want to know, why our eyes get close while sneezing than first of all we have to know this, why do we sneezing ???

We sneezing is all because of, when unwanted dust particles, bacteria and etc. try to enter through our nose when we inhale or we can say when we breath.

So, to stop entering of these kind of unwanted dust particles or bacteria, therefore when we sneezing than all these kind of unwanted substances remove out by our nose by sneezing process.

So it all happens because of  our protection purposes !!!

Now when we sneezing through our nose, so whatever unwanted dust particles , bacteria and etc. not get entered or we can say not settle on our eyes.

So that's why, our eyes automatically closes during in sneezing time.

So I hope you understand this concept very clearly and simply.

Thank you...!!!

Saturday 6 February 2021

The most amazing function of human blood, veins, arteries & capillaries

 The most amazing function of human blood, veins, arteries & capillaries !!!


Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, which is going to very interesting and amazing for you all !!!

So let's come to our topic,

So first of all we know about, what is blood ?

Simply blood is a body fluid or we can say body liquid like substance.

 which is very helpful and useful for carrying or we can say supply substances like oxygen, nutrients and all necessary substances which is require by our body.

But my friend, the work of our blood is not over here. They also collect waste material or waste substances from our organ, tissue and cell from our body.

For understanding about blood, so that we take an one example here, i) let consider, in water pipe, if there are some amount of sand is present.

Than as we ON the motor, than along with this water, than sand also flow with it, isn't it ?

As like as about our blood also, whatever is in our blood they flow through our whole body.

So you may ask, if we consume medicine than our medicine may also flow through our whole body ???

Yes of course !!! If we consume our medicine than our medicine will flow through our whole body.

As our medicine flow through our whole body, so where ever the need of the medicine than automatically our blood supply to that organ, tissue or cell.


So let's know about our veins,

Actually our veins is a one type of blood vessel or in other words one type of blood tube.

Which is very useful for collecting carbon-dioxide from our whole body and give it to our heart.

But in our body there is only 2(two) veins, which is only collected oxygen from our whole body.

So this is i) Pulmonary vein and i) Umbilical vein.

So next we go to know about arteries, 

Simply Arteries is a one type of blood vessel, which is very useful for carrying or supplying oxygen, nutrients, and all necessary things whatever required by our body from our our heart to the capillaries blood vessels.

 And let's know about what is capillaries.

Simply capillaries is the most smallest blood vessel in our body, which connects between arteries to veins.

As you can see in the above image !!!

In our body, the capillaries is the most and most smallest blood containing structure or part.

Capillaries are the most small like structure, which connected to each parts of our body.

Like organs, tissue and cells. So you can imagine that, our capillaries tube is even smallest than our hair.

The work of these capillaries is, to provides oxygen, nutrients, hormones, antibodies to every each organs, tissue and cell of our body.

The capillaries is only medium, which connected to each and every organ, tissue and cells of our body.

Capillaries go to every single cell to provides oxygen, nutrients and all necessity requirement by our single cell of our body.

They also collect waste material from releasing by our organs, tissue and cells of our body.

So my friends we hope you understand this concept very clearly and simply.

Thank you...!!!

Friday 5 February 2021

Amazing function of human being respiratory system

 The function of human respiratory system !!!



Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you come to know the function of human respiratory system.

So let's come to our topic,

So first of all we know that, what is respiratory system ???

So actually, the respiratory system is the network of organs and tissue, which help us to breath well.

The respiratory system is play an important role, when we breath.

You know na! What is mean by breath ?

Breath means, the oxygen we take through our nose and the carbon-dioxide we throw out by our nose is called as or known as breath.

If we want to know this on scientifically terms than, the oxygen whatever we take through our nose is called in scientifically name "Inhale".

And the oxygen whatever we throw out by our nose is called in scientifically name "Exhale".

So I hope you understand this two scientifically terms 'Inhale' and 'Exhale'.

So let's move ahead,

Our respiratory system play an important role, when Inhale and Exhale.

So you ask question like, why we only inhale oxygen why not others gas.

So my friends, In our body the cell required oxygen for producing energy like ATP (Adenosine-tri-phosphate).

So you might be ask, what actually do by our respiratory system ? tell me in detail !!!

Our respiratory system help us to absorb or to take oxygen from the environment and whatever carbon-dioxide in our body they remove out of from our body.

This is all done by our respiratory system.

So let's we see, how this respiratory system work ?

The major function of our respiratory system is to take oxygen and throw out carbon-dioxide from the body.

 When we breath oxygen by our nose, the nose contain nasal cavity with ciliated mucous membrane, which is in sticky form.

So you might don't know, what is mucous membrane, so actually sticky mucous membrane is that, you have an experience when you get cold and sneezing.

The liquid sticky jelly like substance which come out from our nose is called as mucous membrane.

So when we taken oxygen from the environment, than whatever dust and unwanted air come with oxygen than get trap or we can say get filtered in mucous membrane.

So whatever bacteria come along with oxygen that those bacteria is destroy by lysosome contain in mucus.

These extra ordinary protection in our mucous, which helps to protect against potential pathogens is provided by lymphocytes and antibodies.

As we inhale air, the inhale air turns in 90 degrees downward and reach at the pharynx.

So this 90 degree turns for trapping large dust particles from the air.

From the larynx the air passes through the trachea.

And than the windpipe and than it turns split or we can say they divide into two primary bronchioles.

The primary bronchioles supplying to the two lungs.

So in the lungs the primary bronchioles branch splits or we can say divided into smaller and smaller bronchioles.

And than bronchioles form the bronchi tree with many more air tubes or we can say airways.

And the last is terminal bronchioles branch.

So these terminal bronchioles branch divided into several respiratory bronchioles.

So these respiratory bronchioles come to end with microscopic air sacs, which is called as or known as alveoli.

The each alveoli is surrounded by blood capillaries, the place where gas is exchange.

Each alveoli is covered with blood capillaries, so whatever oxygen in alveoli is go to the blood capillaries and whatever carbon-dioxide is go from blood capillaries to alveoli.

And the whatever oxygen is taken by blood capillaries is supply to different different organs, tissue and cell of our body.

And whatever carbon-dioxide is collected by blood from our body is go from blood capillaries to alveoli.

Than this carbon-dioxide is exhale by our nose.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely.

Thank you...!!!

Thursday 4 February 2021

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items !!!

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you will come to know the most interesting and amazing concept.

So let's explore this concept !!!

So first of all we know that, what is mean by microbes ?

In the science stream, the microbes is very vast concept and it has many more application for human welfare.

The branch of biology deals with the study or experiment on microbes is very well known by microbiology.

So actually, microbes are the microscopic living organism.

For an example small algae, fungi, protozoans, mycoplasmas etc.

So for human welfare, the microbiology gives a potential in many ways such as.

So let's know the contribution given by this microbes in our house hold production.

Microbes in house hold production

So you might thought that, how can this microbes play important role in the house hold production ?

So my friends, it's really really true.

Microbes play important role in house hold production.

Than again you might ask that, how it can contributes us in house hold production ???

So friends, when your mother cooked tasty puffy idlies, dhokla, jalebi, etc.

I hope you all love to eat all these tasty food item, isn't ?

So do you know that, how it work by these microbes to helping us to make our food very tasty ?

So let's come to know first of all our fluffy idlies : So first of all we put our idli batter for overnight.

When we put our batter overnight than in the whole night, we sleep but my friends the micro-organism are awake and active.

So they are active for fermention of idli batter.

So because of this fermentation process, many micro-organism are grow and produce lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

So when you cook idli, the present of carbon dioxide in the idli batter come up and this make idli fluffy.

So as like as many microbes are used at home during preparation of different different food items.

Many household preparation involves the use of microbes e.g. idli, dhokla, jalebi, etc.

The mixture of gram flour and buttermilk are used in the preparation or making of dhokla and than it is fermented by Lactobacilli.

The Lactobacilli also help in the preparation of jalebi and nan.

Yeast and bacteria helps in the preparation of idli and dosas.

The micro-organisms species like Bacillus, Candida and Saccharomyces these are very helpfully make the idlies fluffy.

Microbes is very useful in fermentation process.

So the fermentation is a metabolic process which produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

The Silence of Moth Lamb, it's known by another name the "Death's Head Hawkmoth"

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you get to know all about silence of moth lamb.

This quite going to be very interesting and amazing.

So let's come to our topic,

The silence of moth lamb is very well know by it's another name is "The death's head hawkmoth".

So you might thought that, why we called this "Silence of moth lamb" by such a dangerous name - death's head hawkmoth ???

So my friends, the name of this silence of moth lamb is given by it's body design.

On it's back side body, you will find the sinister like skull, the skull is looking so horrifying or frighten.

So that in many cultures and religion, people it is thought that, it is sign of "Omen of Death".

Here as we know that, the silence of moth lamb is famous for horrifying body design, which is on their sinister skull.

The sinister skull on it's back, it's really really horrifying.

 If you see by mistakenly this insect in the night view you really will be scared, isn't ?

And the sound produce by this "Silence of moth lamb" is calles as squeaking.

The horrifying noise created by this insect, is only just for defence purposes.

The silence of moth lamb has thorny legs, if you just touch with your finger, than you find yourself  finely scratches on your finger. But they are normally harmless insect.

The silence of moth lamb or we can say the death's head hawkmoth is only the moth which is very efficiently make squeaking sound in loud. 

As many moth can make like that squeaking sound but not like as silence of moth lamb.

The silence of moth lamb is quite special in all of that !!!

As we move in deep, than we know that, Many moths and butterfly like to drink sugary nectar, which is made by flower.

As like as butterfly, moth has also proboscis tube, which very sufficiently sucking nectar from the flower.

The silence of moth lamb mostly prefer or like to drink nectar.

So for getting nectar, they enter into the beehive.

And when they enter into beehive or honeycomb, so as we know that ,when anyone enters into honeycomb or when anyone wants to steal honeycomb so than those are attack by honeybee sharping sting.

So that, at that time moth protect themselves by producing a chemical, which is very sufficiently soothes the bee sting.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely !!!

Tuesday 2 February 2021

If you make friendly relationship with your cow, than your cow gives you more milk !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, after knowing this concept you really feel something wonderful and most interesting.

You might thought that, how would be possible, "If we make friendly relationship with our cow, than our cow gives us more milk ?"

So my friends, it's really really true.

If you make relationship friendly with your cow than it's really really gives you more milk !!!

Let's say what happen if we not treating cow as friendly ???

If we not treating our cow with friendly than he get stress and because of these stress their body release cortisol hormore, which reduces their milk production.

So let's known in detail about it,

According to the researchers at the Newcastle University, they have carried out many studies and experiment and than they come to the point or conclusion that "the cow gives more milk if we treating cow individual as our family member.

As in our home, we call our family member with by their name.

 So here also, if we make cow as family member and call cow with their given name, than really it's increasing their milk.

So you ask question, how is that possible ???

Because of my friends, cows is very very intelligent domestic animal.

It is capable to experience or feel that whatever you feel towards them.

So whatever your think negative or positive towards cow, than your cow really really feel your emotions with their heart.

If you give or placing more importance or values towards your cow, than your cow really feel happy and than it gives more milk or they increasing in milk production.

So start to make love bonding with your cow and just call it by placing any name.

For example : munmun, piku or etc...

So after listening all these than your cow realizes your positive feelings towards our self than automatically they start increasing in their milk production.

So my friends we hope you enjoying this concept very greatfully and peacefully.

Monday 1 February 2021

Snake flick it's tongue to collect surrounding information

 Snake flick it's tongue to collect surrounding information !!!

Snake flick it's tongue to collect surrounding information !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept your doubt will be clear about, why snake always flick it's tongue ???

Have you ever seen snake in real !! If you seen, than tell me in the comment box.

Some of us afraid with snake, whenever we think about and see in the movie or in photo.

So let's explore this concept !!!

When you see snake in  T.V or in photo, you will always seen that, they flick it's tongue, isn't it ?

You always might thought that, snake want to frighten us.

But really my friends it's not like that, they just want to know that, what happening in the surrounding or what's going around.

By flicking it's tongue they just collect information from it's surrounding.

You might thought that, how is this possible ??? You might think like " by just flicking tongue how it can able to know, what's going around".

But my friends it's a true !

When snake flick it's tongue, they simply trying to get sense of the surrounding by the tasting or collecting chemicals from the air or ground.

But actually snake tongue does not contain any receptor of smell or taste.

These smell and taste receptor are in the vomeronasal we can say jacobson organ.

So these jacobson organ lies in the roof of the snake mouth.

In these Jacobson organ, there are different-different chemicals evoke with different-different electrical signals which are transfer or we can say pass on to the brain.

It means that, the tongue of snake collect sensing chemical  air moisture around and directly sends to the jacobson organ.

After receiving information than Jacobson organ evoke chemical and electrical signal and send or we can say pass on to the brain.

And than brain judging what's information about, for example whether it is mouse or human.

So friends we hope, you understand this concept very genuine way and great learning way.

Chocolates gives you more pleasure than kissing

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept !!!

 So here in this concept, you come to know the most interesting and gorgeous fact, which is really-really heart melting fact of the day.

So let's come to our topic

On comparison between chocolate and kissing.

Many researchers and psychologist perform experiment in lab, and then they said "Chocolate gives more pleasure than kissing".

So you might ask, how that's possible, please explain us in detail !!!

When you put chocolate in your tongue, it slowly-slowly starts melting on your tongue, which gives you  a heart melting feelings.

The researchers experiment on six couples and figure out/ measured their brain waves.

i) So the first experiment is passionate kissing.

Ii) And the second experiment is, giving piece of chocolate to eat.

For figure out this experiment, they initially measured the two type of brain activity,

1) Firstly when brain in a relax and alert feelings. So that in this situation or we can say in this feelings of the brain {alpha bands} show.

2) Secondly when brain in a anxious and alertness. So that in this situation or we can say, in this feelings of the brain {beta bands} show.

So here researchers found that, chocolate produce more effect cause a more intense and longer lasting 'buzzz...' as we compared to kissing.

And it also double the heart beats of couple.

According to the researcher when they come to compared their resting heart rates with those during the chocolate and kissing test.

As we know that, kissing set the heart sink, but the effect is not long lasting as they seen in chocolate.

While those couple eat chocolate, their heart rates from a resting rate of 60 beat per minute to the 140 beat per minute.

According to the study of the researchers, 

As chocolate starts melting in our tongue than all parts of the brain start received a effectively boost far more intense and long lasting as we compared to excitement seen with kissing.

So you might be thought that, what inside in chocolate which stimulate such a effectively to our brain and our heart ?

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine and theobromine which is natural stimulant of the brain.

These all natural stimulant is responsible for raising of our blood pressure and heart rate.

So we hope you understand this concept very simply and clearly.

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