Friday 5 March 2021

What is the expecting wavefront shape when the portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted by the earth ?

What is the expecting wavefront shape when the portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted by the earth ?

Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know about 'what is the expecting wavefront shape when the portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted by the earth ?

So let's come to our topic !!!

When the portion of the wavefront of light from the distant or faraway star intercepted by the earth ? than what should be it's geometrical wavefront shape ?
Here you know all about this !!!

As we already know that the star has it's own light means that it is one type of source of light which is very far, that is infinity.

So that when the light coming from the star, which is intercepted by the earth is a plane wavefront.

As you can see in the above given image or figure.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely with great interest mode.

So we will come with new interesting concept.

If you have any doubt related to this concept than feel free to ask us.

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Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

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