Sunday 28 March 2021

Fruits is one of best source of healthy diet for healthy body and mind || by scientechplus

In the modern time era, lot's of people prefer to eat fast food. By as the time move forward, people makes their live full fast.

So in the less time people most of all prefer to eat tasty and oil product food. which is know by the name 'Fast Food'.

It is right to eat sometime, but only for some period of time. But it is not like that, people make this fast food as their nutritional source for health.

Because of that, many crowd you see in the hospital and clinic side of patient.

Did you have any idea about, how this happen ?. It is happen because of our wrong pattern of eating food in out daily routine.

We totally forgotten about our health in the daily load work. But as we all aware about the great thought "Health is Weath".

For all of us heath is our first priority, isn't it? It is totally our responsibility to maintain our health, well and well.

How to maintain health "Well n Well"

By applying proper diet plan in our daily food routine.

Along with good food some fruits also add in your meal for getting best nutritional result.

Grapes : Add grapes in your daily diet plan, to stay fresh in all time of the day. As you know that, this summer season is a grapes season.

So in this season add grapes fruit in your daily nutrition to make fruitful day.

Papaya : Add some papaya fruit in your meal to make pleasant bodily and mentally. Papaya is very good for eyes, hair, immunity problem.

The taste of papaya is such lovely sweet taste. It is very soft to eat. This papaya is eaten by even diabetes patient also.

It is much more safe for all types of disease patient and also healthy people.

Good bye!!!

Thank you...!!!

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