Friday 5 March 2021

State and explain the main characteristics of the wavefront in easy and simply way.

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know about what are the main characteristics of the wavefront with explanation in easy and simply way.

So let's start to our topic !!!

i) The wavefronts travel or propagate as much as speed of light in all the direction in the isotropic medium.

Explanation : Here in this statement, it is clearly tell that the wavefront is able to travel or propagate with speed of light in the isotropic medium.

As you know that, the speed of light is 3×10^8  metre 
per second.

ii) The phase difference between any two points in the same consecutive wavefronts is 2π.

So that, if the phase at the crest is 2π, than the phase at the next consecutive crest is 4π and like wise so on.

So therefore, at any crest the phase is (2nπ) and the phase at any trough is (2n+1).

Where 'n' represent as integer.

iii) The wavefronts always travel or propagate in the forward direction only.

iv) In during the propagation of the spherical wavefront from the source than slowly slowly wave become weaker.

Reason for that is : The same energy is distributed over whole circumference of the circle.

So as the circle of radii get increasing than the wavefronts become slowly slowly weaker.

Let's take an one example on it : When you through stone in the pond or in the lake than, when the stone goes in the water, at that place ripples is get generated isn't it ?

After ripples get generated at specific point than slowly slowly it become less energetic, isn't it ?

So like wise here also in the spherical wavefront.

v) So let's know what is the response of wavefront in anisotropic medium. In the anisotropic medium, the wavefront travels or propagate with different different velocities in different different directions, it is because of variation in the densities of the medium.

So we hope you understand this concept.

We will meet you with next coming interesting concept.

If you have any query related to this topic than feel free to contact us.

We reply you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

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