Tuesday 30 March 2021

The Size of the Human Heat is almost same size of their Hand Fist || FACTS by SCIENTECHPLUS

Hello dear friends,
welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know the amazing fact about Human heart.

so let's explore this fact...!!!

You totally surprised to know that, the size of Human heart is size of human fist.
do you know that ?

So friends if you like this interesting facts than tell in the comment box...!!!

Watch this above video in Hindi language, so that you know in simple and easy way.

We will meet you in the next upcoming interesting and mind blowing facts.

Good bye!!!

Thank you...!!!

Sunday 28 March 2021

Fruits is one of best source of healthy diet for healthy body and mind || by scientechplus

In the modern time era, lot's of people prefer to eat fast food. By as the time move forward, people makes their live full fast.

So in the less time people most of all prefer to eat tasty and oil product food. which is know by the name 'Fast Food'.

It is right to eat sometime, but only for some period of time. But it is not like that, people make this fast food as their nutritional source for health.

Because of that, many crowd you see in the hospital and clinic side of patient.

Did you have any idea about, how this happen ?. It is happen because of our wrong pattern of eating food in out daily routine.

We totally forgotten about our health in the daily load work. But as we all aware about the great thought "Health is Weath".

For all of us heath is our first priority, isn't it? It is totally our responsibility to maintain our health, well and well.

How to maintain health "Well n Well"

By applying proper diet plan in our daily food routine.

Along with good food some fruits also add in your meal for getting best nutritional result.

Grapes : Add grapes in your daily diet plan, to stay fresh in all time of the day. As you know that, this summer season is a grapes season.

So in this season add grapes fruit in your daily nutrition to make fruitful day.

Papaya : Add some papaya fruit in your meal to make pleasant bodily and mentally. Papaya is very good for eyes, hair, immunity problem.

The taste of papaya is such lovely sweet taste. It is very soft to eat. This papaya is eaten by even diabetes patient also.

It is much more safe for all types of disease patient and also healthy people.

Good bye!!!

Thank you...!!!

If sinθ = 7/25, find the values of cosθ and tanθ || Trigonometry sum || by SCIENTECHPLUS


Watch in this above given video, you know the complete solved sum easily.

If sinθ = 7/25, find the values of cosθ & tanθ ?

Ans :  By using formula - sin2θ + cos2θ = 1
cos2θ = 1 - sin2θ
cos2θ = 1 - (7/25)2
cos2θ = 1 - (49/625)

By using L.C.M (Least Common Multiple)

cos2θ = (625/652) - (49/625)
cos2θ = (625-49)/625
cos2θ = 576/625

Here we get cos2θ but we want cosθ value, so therefore 
we want cos2θ to cosθ, for that this square on the cos2θ goes on the Right side of the = sign and become square root.

cosθ = √(576/625)

Therefore   cosθ = 24/25

But we have to also, find the tanθ by using formula tanθ = sinθ/cosθ

So in the given formula, put the value of sinθ and cosθ.

tanθ = (7/25)/(24/25)

So the value of tanθ = 7/24

Friday 26 March 2021

List the application of microwaves and radio waves

 Application of the microwaves

There are several applications of microwaves, but here we mention some application of microwaves.

i) Heating purposes - food stuff

ii) Telecom 

iii) GPS-(Global Position System)

iv) Point-to-point communication

v) Air traffic security cameras

vi) Traffic surveillance

vii) Defense purpose

So these are the some applications of the microwaves.

Application of the Radio waves

i) Radio communication

ii) Broadcasting

iii) Radar

iv) Navigation system

v) Communication network

vi) Remote control toys

vii) Air traffic control

viii) Cellular telephony

So these are the some applications of the radio waves.

List the various waves of the electromagnetic spectrum

 List the various waves of the electromagnetic spectrum !!!

Ans : There are seven types of electromagnetic spectrum.

The seven electromagnetic spectrum is,

• Radio waves

• Microwaves

• Infrared waves

• Visible light rays

• Ultraviolet rays

• X-rays 

• Gamma rays

So these are the seven electromagnetic spectrum.

The Applied Electronics MCQ || Test Revision paper

 The Applied Electronics MCQ || Test Revision paper !!!

1) The types of coupling used in the BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) amplifier.

a) Resistance capacitance (RC) coupling.

b) Impedance coupling

c) Transformer coupling

d) All of the above

Answer : (d) All of the above.

2) The phase shift of positive feedback circuit.

a) 90° Degree

b) 180° Degree

c) 45° Degree

d) 0° or 360° Degree

Answer : (d) 0° or 360° Degree.

3) The current gain (β) in the power amplifier.

a) Low 5 to 20

b) Low 40 to 65

c) Low 70 to 95

d) Low 25 to 40

Answer : Low 5 to 20

4) What is the angle of conduction of Class A power amplifier ?

a) 90° Degree angle

b) 180° Degree angle

c) 45° Degree angle

d) 360° Degree angle

Answer : 360° Degree angle

5) What is the angle of conduction of Class B power amplifier ?

a) 90° Degree angle

b) 180° Degree angle

c) 45° Degree angle

d) 360° Degree angle

Answer : 180° Degree angle

6) What is the angle of conduction of Class C power amplifier ?

a) 90° Degree angle

b) 100° to 150° Degree angle

c) 180° to 200° Degree angle

d) 360° Degree angle

Answer : 100° to 150° Degree angle

7) What is the angle of conduction of Class AB power amplifier ?

a) 90° Degree angle

b) 100° to 150° Degree angle

c) 180° to 200° Degree angle

d) 360° Degree angle

Answer : 180° to 200° Degree angle

8) What is the application of single tuned amplifier in the below option.

a) T.V Receiver

b) Radio Receiver

c) Tuned Radio Frequency (TRF) Receiver

d) Both a) T.V Receiver & c) 

Answer : d) Both a) T.V Receiver & c) Tuned Radio Frequency (TRF) Receiver

9) What are the application of RC coupled amplifier.

a) In Tape Recorder

b) In stereo amplifier

c) Widely used as voltage amplifier

d) All of the above

Answer : d) All of the above

10) The different types of power amplifier.

a) Class A power amplifier

b) Class B power amplifier

c)Class C power amplifier

d) All of the above

Answer : d) All of the above

Wednesday 24 March 2021

The heathy benefits of papaya for healthy body immunity and mental problem

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so here in this new topic we come to know about the healthy benefits of papaya for healthy body immunity and mental problems.

The papaya is very good for healthy body immunity and mental problems.

The papaya fruit is very soft. The sweet taste of papaya is very tasty.

We must eat papaya at least in a week.

The papaya is one kind of fruit, which we can eat safely in all types of diseases.

Here why we use safely words, means that if you suffer from cold and cough than doctor recommend you to not eat banana fruit and all chill substances.

As we know that banana is not eaten in cold and cough. But we can safely eat papaya in all types of diseases.

Here we know the healthy benefits of eating papaya fruit :

i) The papaya reduced the risk of heart disease.

ii) The papaya reduced the risk of diabetes disease.

iii) The papaya is found to be very helpful in improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes.

iv) The papaya reduced the digestion problems.

v) The papaya is very profitable in lowering the blood pressure.

vi) The papaya reduced the risk of cancer.

Here are the chart table containing by papaya fruit :

• Calories : The papaya contain calories 59

• Carbohydrates : The carbohydrates contain by papaya is 15 gram.

• Fiber : The fibre contain by papaya is 3 gram.

• Protein : The protein contain by papaya is 1 gram.

• Vitamin C : The vitamin C contain by papaya is 157% of the RDI (Recommend Dietary Intake).

• Vitamin A : The vitamin A contain by papaya is 33% of the RDI (Recommend Dietary Intake).

•Vitamin B9 : The vitamin B9 contain by papaya is 14% of the RDI (Recommend Dietary Intake).

• Potassium : The potassium contain by papaya is 11% of the RDI (Recommend Dietary Intake).

And in trace amount the papaya contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin B1, B3, B5, E, and k.

So we hope you feel good to know the knowledge of this papaya fruit.

So we will meet you with next topic.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Monday 22 March 2021

Today's 2021 year play Holi festival with corona virus with some taking precaution !!!

Happy Holi - 2021

Hello friends,
Welcome to this new topic.

Here in this topic, we come to know about the celebration of Holi festival
in this year 2021.
So in this year also as like as previous year we have to play Holi with lots of care.

 As you all know that, how fastly corona virus spread every where.

So because of that, we have to take patience and keep calm.

We must have to not get too worried about all that dangerous situation created by this pandemic.

Keep calm, stay at home and celebrate this beautiful and lovely Holi festival with great joy.

So here are the some precaution, if we measures than we can absolutely stay safe, while celebration Holi festival this year.

1) Time to time wash your hand.

2) Keep safe distance with each other.

3) Wear properly mask on your nose and mouth.

4) Avoid to play Holi in public places.

5) Keep sanitizer bottle whenever you go outside from home.

Yeah...!!! It is quite not too much interesting to play Holi festival in this corona time.
We have to keep motivated our inner side.

But still we have to play this Holi festival with lots of care.
By god grace this corona pandemic also go away soon.
We have to keep motivated from our inner side.

And we have to not lost our confidence and motivation from our inner side.

Happy Holi to all...!!!
Keep playing, keep enjoying...!!!

Good bye...!!!
Thank you...!!!

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Explain the refraction of light on the basis of wave theory and also prove the laws of refraction of light.

Explain the refraction of light on the basis of wave theory and also prove the laws of refraction of light.

i) The incident rays, refracted rays and normal lie in the equivalent plane.

ii) The incident ray and refracted ray lie on opposite sides of normal. 

iii) The ratio of velocity of light in rarer medium to velocity of light in denser medium is a constant called refractive index of denser medium with respect to rarer medium.

Explanation laws of refraction :

i) Let consider XY be the plane refracting surface separating two media air and glass of refractive indices μ1 and μ2 serially.

ii) A plane wavefront AB is developing at an angle towards XY from the air medium. It is bounded by the rays AA1 and BB1 which are incident rays.

iii) When point 'A' reaches 'A1' then point 'B' will be at 'P'. It even now has to cover distance PB1 to reach XY.

iv) According to Huygens' principle the secondary waves will originate from A1 and will spread over a hemisphere in the glass.

v) All the rays between AA1 and BB1 will reach XY and spread over the hemispheres of increasing radii in the glass. The surface of tangential of all such hemispheres is RB1. This allow to rise refracted wavefront B1R in the glass.

vi)  A1R and B1R1, are refracted rays.

vii) Let consider c1 and c2 be the velocities of light in air and glass .

viii) At any instant of time 't' distance covered by the incident wavefront from point P to B1 = PB1 = c1t.

The distance covered by the secondary wave from point A1 to R = A1R = c2t. 

Proof of laws of refraction:

i)  From figure,

angle AA1M + angle MA1P = 90° .................................(1)

and angle MA1P+ angle PA1B1 = 90° ...........................(2)

From equations (1) and (2),

angle AA1M = angle PA1B1 = i 

ii) Similarly, angle NA1R = angle N1B1R1 = r

We have, angle N1B1R1 + angle N1B1R = 90°.............(3)

 and angle N1B1R + angle A1B1R = 90° ......................(4)

From equations (3) and (4)

angle N1B1R1 = angle A1B1R = r

iii) In triangle A 1PB1, sin i = PB1/A1B1 = c1t/A1B1................(5)

iv) In triangle A1RB1, sin r = A1R/A1B1 = c2t /A1B1..............(6)

v) Dividing equation (5) by (6),

Therefore sin i/ sin r = c1/ c2....................(7)

Also c1/ c2 = μ2/ μ1 = 1μ2 ......................(8)

Where as 1μ2 = R.I. of water with respect to air,

sin i/ sin r = μ2/ μ1

vi) From the explanation, it is clear that incident rays AA, BB, refracted rays A,R, B,R and normal MN and MIN lie on the same plane XY. Also incident ray AA, and refracted ray AR lie on opposite sides of normal MN. Therefore, laws of refraction can be explained.


Thank you

Sunday 7 March 2021

With the help of a neat diagram | explain the reflection of light from the plane reflecting surface on the basis of wave theory of light.

With the help of a neat diagram  explain the reflection of light from the plane reflecting surface on the basis of wave theory of light.

So here first of all we know that, 

What is the laws of reflection :

i) In the laws of reflection, the incident rays, reflected rays, and normal to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence, all lie in the same level.

ii) In the laws of reflection, the incident rays and the reflected rays lie on the opposite sides of the normal.

iii) The angle of incidence is equal or we can say equivalent to the angle of reflection.

For clear understanding the law of reflection in simple and easy way. So for that lets see the simple explanation about all these points.

Explanation :

i) The plane wavefront AB is developing at an angle towards plane reflecting surface XY.AA1 and BB1 are incident rays.

ii) When point 'A' come to XY at A1, than ray at 'B' reaches at point P and it has to cover distance PB1 to reach the reflecting surface XY.

iii) Let's consider 't' be the time to  required to cover distance PB1

In this time meantime, the secondary waves are emitted from the point A1 and it will spread over the hemisphere of the radius A1R in the same medium.

The distance covered by the secondary waves to reach from A1 to R in time 't' is same as the distance covered by the primary waves to reach from point P to B1.

So therefore A1R = PB1 = ct.

iv) All other rays in between AA1 and BB1 will reach XY after A1 and before B1. Therefore they will also emits secondary waves of the decreasing radii.

v) The surface touch all such hemispheres is RB1 which is reflected wavefront, bounded by the reflected rays A1R and B1Q.

vi) Let's draw A1M perpendicular to XY and B1N perpendicular to XY.

Thus,  the angle of incidence is angle AA1M = angle BB1N = i and the angle of reflection is angle MA1R = angle NB1Q = r.

angle RA1B1 = 90 - r

angle PB1A1 = 90 - i

vii) In the triangle A1RB1 and triangle A1PB1

Here angle A1RB1 congruent to angle A1PB1

A1R = PB1,............ (Reflected waves travel in equal in same medium in equal time).

A1B1 = A1B1.........(Common side) 

Therefore triangle A1RB1 congruent to triangle A1PB1

Therefore angle RA1B1 = angle PB1A1

Therefore  90 - r = 90 - i

Therefore  i = r

viii) From the above given figure, it clear that the incident ray, reflected ray and normal lie in the same level or plane.

ix) This laws of reflection of light from the plane reflecting surface on the basis of Huygen's wave theory.


Thank you

Saturday 6 March 2021

The Huygen's construction of spherical wavefront in simple and easy way !!!

The Huygen's construction of spherical wavefront in simple and easy way !!!

Here we come to know about the Huygen's construction of spherical wavefront.

So let's come to know,

i) The spherical wavefront is formed when the source of light is at the finite distance from the point of observation.

ii) So let's take 'S' be the point source of light in the air.

The point PQR represents spherical wavefront at any instant. 

The wavefront PQR is act as a primary wave, which is propagated through the air.

iii) So according to the Huygens principle, the all points on the PQR will act as a secondary source of light and sending out secondary wavelets with the same velocity 'c' in the air.

iv) To find out new wavefront at a later instant 't',

So for our clear understanding lets draw the hemisphere with the points P, Q, R....as centres and 'ct' as radius in the forward direction.

v) The surface tangential to all such hemisphere is an envelope at that instant 't'.

Such a surface is passing through the points P1Q1R1....so on the hemispheres and touching to all the hemispheres.

This surface is the new wavefront at that instant 't'.

vi) SPN1, SQN2, SRN3 these are the wave normal at points P, Q, R respectively.

vii) These wave normal show the direction of propagation of the spherical wavefront.

viii) The new wavefront P1Q1R1 is parallel to the points P, Q, R at every instant.


Thank you...!!!

Explain the Huygen's construction of plane wavefront in easy and simple way !!!

 Explain the Huygen's construction of plane wavefront in easy and simple way !!!

Explain the Huygen's construction of plane wavefront in easy and simple way !!!

Here we know all about, the construction of the plane wavefront.

So let's come to know,

i) The plane wavefront is formed when the point of observation is very far away or we can say at infinity from the primary source of light.

ii) So here let's PQR represent a plane wavefront at any instant.

So according to the Huygen's principle, all the points on this wavefront will act as a secondary source of light and sending out secondary wavelets in the forward direction only.

iii) For make it to undestand easily, first of all we need to draw hemisphere with Point P,Q,R.... as centres and 'ct' as a radius.

The surface tangential to all such hemisphere is P1Q1R1....at instant 't'.

The new wavefront at time 't'.

iv) The plane wavefront is propagated or travel as a plane waves in the homogeneous isotropic medium. Therefore they are parallel to each other.

v) PP1N1, QQ1N2, RR1N3 these are the wave normal at point P,Q,R respectively.

These wave normal shows the direction of propagation of the plane wavefront.

vi) The new wavefront P1Q1R1 is parallel to the primary wavefront PQR.


Thank you....!!!!

Difference in between primary source of light and secondary source of light in easy way !!!

Here we know about the distinguish/ difference between primary source of light and the secondary source of light.

Primary source of light

i) The primary source of light is a real source of light.

ii) Primary source of light sends out primary waves in the all possible directions.

iii) The primary source of light is effective at every point on it's surface.

iv) The primary source of light is situated in the air.

The secondary source of light 

i) The secondary source of light is a fictitious source of light.

ii) The secondary source of light sends out secondary waves only in the forward direction.

iii) The secondary waves is effective only at the points where it touches the envelope.

iv) The secondary source of light is situated on the wavefront.


Friday 5 March 2021

State what are the Huygen's principle statement !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, so here in this concept you come to know about the principle statement of Huygen's. 

So lets start to know,

i) Every point on the primary wavefront it acts as a secondary waves or wavelets in the all possible directions.

ii) The new generated secondary wave is quite more effectiveness in the forward direction only.

iii) The resultant wavefront at any position is given by the tangent to all the secondary waves or wavelets at that instant.

So we hope you understand this concept.

So we will meet you with new concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

State and explain the main characteristics of the wavefront in easy and simply way.

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know about what are the main characteristics of the wavefront with explanation in easy and simply way.

So let's start to our topic !!!

i) The wavefronts travel or propagate as much as speed of light in all the direction in the isotropic medium.

Explanation : Here in this statement, it is clearly tell that the wavefront is able to travel or propagate with speed of light in the isotropic medium.

As you know that, the speed of light is 3×10^8  metre 
per second.

ii) The phase difference between any two points in the same consecutive wavefronts is 2π.

So that, if the phase at the crest is 2π, than the phase at the next consecutive crest is 4π and like wise so on.

So therefore, at any crest the phase is (2nπ) and the phase at any trough is (2n+1).

Where 'n' represent as integer.

iii) The wavefronts always travel or propagate in the forward direction only.

iv) In during the propagation of the spherical wavefront from the source than slowly slowly wave become weaker.

Reason for that is : The same energy is distributed over whole circumference of the circle.

So as the circle of radii get increasing than the wavefronts become slowly slowly weaker.

Let's take an one example on it : When you through stone in the pond or in the lake than, when the stone goes in the water, at that place ripples is get generated isn't it ?

After ripples get generated at specific point than slowly slowly it become less energetic, isn't it ?

So like wise here also in the spherical wavefront.

v) So let's know what is the response of wavefront in anisotropic medium. In the anisotropic medium, the wavefront travels or propagate with different different velocities in different different directions, it is because of variation in the densities of the medium.

So we hope you understand this concept.

We will meet you with next coming interesting concept.

If you have any query related to this topic than feel free to contact us.

We reply you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

What is the expecting wavefront shape when the portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted by the earth ?

What is the expecting wavefront shape when the portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted by the earth ?

Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know about 'what is the expecting wavefront shape when the portion of the wavefront of light from a distant star intercepted by the earth ?

So let's come to our topic !!!

When the portion of the wavefront of light from the distant or faraway star intercepted by the earth ? than what should be it's geometrical wavefront shape ?
Here you know all about this !!!

As we already know that the star has it's own light means that it is one type of source of light which is very far, that is infinity.

So that when the light coming from the star, which is intercepted by the earth is a plane wavefront.

As you can see in the above given image or figure.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely with great interest mode.

So we will come with new interesting concept.

If you have any doubt related to this concept than feel free to ask us.

We reply you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Thursday 4 March 2021

What is the expecting shape of the wavefront when light emerging out of a convex lens ?

What is the expecting shape of the wavefront when light emerging out of a convex lens ?What is the expecting shape of the wavefront when light emerging out of a convex lens ?

Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know 'about what is the shape of wavefront when light emerging out of a convex lens'.

So let's come to our topic !!!

When light emerging out of a convex lens than the shape of the wavefront is plane.

Explanation : When a point source placed at the focus of a convex lens, than whatever rays emerging or come out from the lens is in parallel form.

So that, the wavefront is a plane wavefront.

Here in the given above image you can see very clearly, how these rays emerging in a parallel form in a plane wavefront.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and simply.

So we will meet you with new upcoming interesting concepts.

If you have any problem related to this concept than feel free to ask us.

We feel happy to respond you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!
Thank you...!!!

What is the expecting shape of the wavefront when light diverging from a point source ?

Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this new concept.
So here in this concept you come to know about, what is the shape of the wavefront, when light diverging from a point source.

So let's come to our topic !!!

When light diverging from a point source than the shape of the wavefront is spherical in shape.

As you can see in the given image, you can easily understand that, how these light diverging from a  point source in spherical wavefront shape.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and simply.

So we will meet you with next interesting concept.

If you have any doubt related to this concept than feel free to ask us.

We feel happy to respond you as soon as possible

Goodbye !!!
Thank you...!!!

Wednesday 3 March 2021

What are the main characteristics of the wave normal !!!

What are the main characteristics of the wave normal !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, so here in this concept you come to know about the main characteristics of the wave normal in easy and simple way.

So let's come to our topic,

i) The wave normal gives the direction of propagation of wave.

Explanation : As you can see in the above given image than you can easily understand that how wave normal help to give direction to the propagation of wave.

Let's take an one example, the medium through which wave is propagated, for an example 'air' so the wave is move in the direction of air simply.

Actually medium or we can say channel gives the direction for propagation of wave.

So it means that, the wave normal work according to the medium through which is allow to propagate.

ii) The wave normal is perpendicular to the wavefront.

Explanation : As you can see in the given image, the wave normal is perpendicular to the wavefront.

It means that, the wave normal make an angle with wavefront is 90° Degree.

iii) In a homogeneous isotropic medium, the wave normal is same as direction of ray of light.

Explanation : In a homogeneous isotropic medium or channel, the wave normal is same as direction of light.

It means that , First of all we have to know that, what is homogeneous ?

Homogeneous : Homogeneous is a uniform structure.

Isotropic material : The isotropic material whose properties remains same when tested in different different directions.

When we allow to propagate wave normal in the Homogeneous isotropic medium then the direction of the wave normal is in the direction of ray of light.

iv) Wave normal is drawn from the point of generation of wavefront.

Explanation : Actually the wave normal is start from the point where wavefront is generated.

So we hope you understand this concept very simply and easily.

If you have any doubt related to this concept than feel free to ask us.

We feel good to reply you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Tuesday 2 March 2021

State the different types of wavefront with suitable examples !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, so in this concept you come to know the different types of wavefronts with examples.

So let's explore this concept !!!

The wavefront is three types,

i) Spherical wavefront

ii) Plane wavefront

iii) Cylindrical wavefront

So let's know about this different wavefronts with an examples !!!

i) Spherical wavefront : The wavefront which is originating from a point source of light at some finite distance is called as or known as 'spherical wavefronts'

The example of this spherical wavefronts is : The candle flame, which we use in our day to day life in the moments such as birthday, marriage anniversary, or when electricity cut off.

The candle flame glow in the form of spherical wavefront.

ii) Plane wavefront : The wavefronts which is originating from a point source of light at infinite distance is called as or known as 'plane wavefront'.

The example of this plane wavefront is : The light from the sun arrives at the surface of the earth in the form of plane wavefront.

iii) Cylindrical wavefront : The wavefront which is originating from the linear source or slit of light at some finite distance is called as or known as 'cylindrical wavefront'.

The example of this cylindrical wavefront is : When a tube light is glow, it glow in the form of 'cylindrical wavefront'.

So we hope you understand this concept in simply and nicely.

So if you have any query related to this concept than feel free to ask us.

If in your mind have any idea to know something in simple and easy way than write in the comment box.

Good bye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Monday 1 March 2021

National science day celebrated in the remembrance of physicist C.V Raman !!!

Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know the most interesting information regarding to the National science day.

So let's start to explore the concept !!!

So first of all we know, why this National Science Day celebrated ?

The national science day celebrated is in the remembrance of our physicist or great scientist Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman.

Physicist C.V Raman : The great scientist physicist is an Indian scientist, he is well know by his work in the field of scattering of light.

For his discovery Sir Chandrasekhar venkata Raman was awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 1930.

History of The National Science Day

The National Council of Science and technology Communication (NCSTC) asked for permission to the Government of India for designate February 28 as National Science Day.

In the remembrance of great scientist physicist Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman for his great work so this event celebrated now all over Indian school, colleges, universities, scientific, technical, medical, and other research institutions.

What are the aim of celebrating National Science Day ?

The National Science Day celebrated to spread the message about the significant of science in our day to day life.
The National Science Day celebrated in the remembrance of great welfare contributed by science field in the life of human being to make life easier and comfortable this is all due to science field.

The theme of National Science Day 2021

So this year gives the theme on the celebration of National Science Day.
The aim of this year 2021 to encourage and inspire students towards in the field of science.

So we hope you, understand this concept very nicely and great learning way.
So we will meet you in the next upcoming interesting concept.
If you have any great idea to know something in a specific topic than feel free to ask us.
We feel happy to reply you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

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