Thursday 18 February 2021

When we see at night in sea or in ocean the level of water goes up and in day time, the level of water goes down !!! Why it is happen ???

 When we see at night in sea or in ocean the level of water goes up and in day time, the level of water goes down !!! Why it is happen ???

When we see at night in sea or in ocean the level of water goes up and in day time, the level of water goes down !!! Why it is happen ???

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, here in this concept you come to know the most interesting and  exciting concept, which delights your mood at high level.

So friends what are we waiting for,

Let's explore this concept in simply and easily !!!

In during holiday's when we go to picnic at beaches or spending some lovely moment at seashore.

Or you have experience this great moment when you go for camp in seashore side.

When we go for camp, we have to spend some days, isn't it ?

So in these camp days, we got to experience both day and night.

Have you observed any changes happening in the sea in day and night ???

If you observed and changes happening in sea during day and night ? Than please tell us in the comments box !!!

So let's know what actually happen during day and night time in sea.

You are very familiar with high tide and low tides that occur regularly in the sea , isn't it ?

The level of sea water goes up means that, it is called as high tide and the level of sea water is goes down it means, it is called as low tide.

It means clearly that, during night time we see moon, isn't it ?

When the moon come in contact directly with sea water than the level of water goes up.

It is because of moon's gravitational force.

So you know that here very clearly in during day time, the moon not come in contact directly with sea water.

That's why the water level of sea is goes down. It's means that in day time there is no gravitational force act on sea water.

Therefore, the level of sea water is goes down.

Here as you see in the above image, so in this image you very clearly see that low tide and high tide.

Where as in this image, the point (A) and point (B) represent the low tide.

Whereas point (C) and point (D) represent the high tide.

So we hope you enjoying in this concept and understand this concept very clearly and simply.

In your mind have any question or any concept than feel free to ask us.

So we will meet you with new upcoming interesting concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Wednesday 17 February 2021

The position of human heart and it's shape, size, weight, colour and wall of the heart know here in detail in simply !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this concept, so here in this concept you come to know the most interesting concept about on human heart.

So what are we waiting for, 

Let's come to our topic !!!

The contraction and relaxation of our heart goes 24×7, isn't ?

If 1/1000 second it will get stop functioning than our health affected badly.

When we sleep in the night, our heart never sleep. It work for whole day and night for us.

Heart is a pumping organ in our body, which continously pump to our blood to send in each and every parts of our body for providing nutrition and collection of waste substances through blood.

The heart is present inside the middle of the thoracic cavity in between two lungs in a cavity is called as or known as mediastinum.

Our heart is not exactly located in the middle or centre, but actually it lies just slanting little to the left side.

Our lovely heart is protected on the cage of ribs, back bone, and breast bone and diaphragm.

 Let's know about our heart, it's origin, shape, size, weight, colour and lastly wall of the heart.

First we know about i) Origin of heart : The origin of human heart means our heart is mesoderm.

ii) The shape of our heart : Actually our heart is in hollow muscular cone shaped organ or we can say in other words, it is in conical shape organ.

iii) The size of our heart : Hey friends you are lucky to predict your size of your heart by your hand fist.

Yes your read correct !!!

You can see your size of your heart by just closing your fingers and see it is your heart size.

This example is approximately rough figure of heart but it is correct !!!

And the figure measurement of our heart is 12cm in length, 9cm in breadth and 6cm in thickness.

iv) The weight of our heart : The weight of our heart or human heart is about 250 to 300 gm.

v) The colour of our heart : We only know very well that our heart is only in dark red colour.

But it's not like that, our heart is reddish brown colour.

vi) The wall of our heart : Our heart has three layers of wall, it is  a) pericardium, b) myocardium, c) endocardium

So we hope you know this interesting concept very well in simply and easily.

So friends we will meet you with new upcoming interesting and exciting concept.

If in your mind have some question or concept than please ask us frequently.

We will feel happy to reply you as soon as possible.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Why do we close our eyes when we kiss, do you know that ? Why this happen with us !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new amazing and interesting concept !!!

So here you come to know the science behind this concept , why we close our eyes when we smooching or kissing ?

So what are we waiting for,

Let's explore this concept !!!

The kissing is a most delight moment for all of us.

When you are in your childhood stage, your mom appreciated with a sweet kiss, isn't it ?

The kissing is a moment of pleasureable moment, isn't it ?

Whenever this moment come into our life, we never want to miss it, isn't it ?

So in these kiss, there is various different stages are there.

So let's come to our topic,

i) When two lover partners are met, they talk with each others. Actually what they talk ?

They talk their romantics moment and shared their love experience with words.

Hours an hour but as we know that, words is less affective than our feelings, isn't it ?

To understanding this, let's take an one example here - when you type a message in your phone and send it to your friends.

So whatever emotion you feel before type of message, what do you know that, is that possible the same emotion your friend can also feel ?

Of course not !!!

So we close our eyes during kissing.

After talking and using lots of words, the only kissing is a way to express your love emotion with deep feelings.

ii) kissing or smooching makes our moment most pleasurable !!!

When we want to feel something from our deep heart, we first of all close our eyes, isn't it ?

Just like when we pray our god, we close our eyes because we want to realizes from deep heart and feel that moment for long term remembrance.

So actually when we close our eyes we totally focus at one point.

And avoid all non wanted things , right !!

When we kissing, we want to feel deep pleasure moment.

Closing your eyes is your shutting down all everything that is happening around you.

To concentrate on excitement happening inside you.

iii) It is the symbol of surrender to your partner to make him happy, right !!!

iv) And if you think, what happen if we open our eyes ?

So the answer is, human has five senses right, so it during kissing moment if your eyes get open,

Than your whole five senses are active right.

Our ability to sense the things not 

effective when our eyes open.

So just by closing our eyes we get rid from all environmental distraction and we fully experience the pleasure of kissing.

v) It is the symbol of trust to your partner. 

Actually you are building trust and security with you partner, when close your eyes and kiss your partner.

So what you think about it, tell me in the comment box !!!

So we hope you understand this concept simply and easily with great interest.

So hey friends we will meet you with next upcoming interesting concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Monday 15 February 2021

Why rabbit eat his poop or poty do you know that why ? there is some science behind this know here !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so here in this concept you come to know that, why these beautiful cute like rabbit eat his own poop or potty.

When we hear this concept we feel some thing like surprised or weird, isn't it ???

But my friends it's really really true.

Rabbits really eat his own potty !!!

So in your mind one question is arises, that is "what the purpose for eat his own poop or potty ?"

So to know in detail, let's explore this concept !!!

Actually rabbits are very cute and pretty in appearance, isn't it ?

Rabbit is a one type of vegetarian animal, and rabbit keep themselves very neat and clean.

Let's we move towards the reason,

The digestive system of rabbits are not develop very well or we can say that in other words the digestive system of rabbits is not so good.

So whatever they eat, their body not sufficient to take the whole important nutrients at one attempt.

So for that, they again consume his own poop or potty, for taking complete nutrients from them.

The poop or potty of rabbits is really contain nutrients. So that they don't want to make waste it.

Here in your mind, one question is arises that is "why they not eat fresh food again ?"

Hello friends, the reason is that,

In simply the poop or potty of rabbits contain more nutrients which is very important for their body for energy.

So we hope you enjoying to know this interesting concept.

So hey friends we will meet you with new upcoming interesting concept.

If in your mind have some unique and interesting question or concept than ask frequently with us.

We will feel happy to reply you !!!

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Sunday 14 February 2021

What are the merits and demerits of the 'Huygens' wave theory of light in easy and simple way !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new blog post concept, here you come to know that the merits and the demerits of the 'Huygens' wave theory of light.

So let's explore this concept in simply and easily,

So first of all we know about merits of 'Huygens' wave theory of light.

Merits of 'Huygens' wave theory of light !!!

i) Huygens gives sufficient explanation for the laws of reflection, refraction and double refraction of light by assuming transverse nature of the light waves.

ii) Huygens also explain the theory of interference and diffraction.

iii) The velocity of light in the rarer (air) medium is high and the velocity of light in the denser medium (water) is low so this is experimentally proved.

So let's know about the demerits of 'Huygens' wave theory if light.

Demerits of 'Huygens' wave theory of light !!!

i) Huygens wave theory of light could not explain about the rectilinear propagation of light.

ii) Huygens could not explain about polarization of light, Compton effect, photoelectric effect and etc.

iii) Huygens could not explain about the property of propagation of light through in the vacuum.

The reason behind this is, the ether has high elastic constant and zero density which gives contradictory results.

iv) According to the Huygens wave theory of light, they tell in his theory that, the 'luminiferous' ether medium is present or we can say exist every where in the universe.

And they also tell in his theory that, the 'luminiferous ether medium' also present or exist in the vacuum.

For the material medium propagation of light wave.

However, The Michelson's and the Morley's theory proved wrong to the presence or existence of the 'luminiferous ether medium' every where in the universe and even vacuum.

So we hope you understand this concept in easy and simply way.

So we will meet you with new upcoming concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Try to avoid consume of market sugar in your daily routine life, market sugar is very harmful for your health, here you known about the harmful effects of market sugar and what are the alternative of these market sugar !!!

Try to avoid consume of market sugar in your daily routine life, market sugar is very harmful for your health, here you known about the harmful effects of market sugar and what are the alternative of these market sugar !!! 

Try to avoid consume of market sugar in your daily routine life, market sugar is very harmful for your health, here you known about the harmful effects of market sugar and what are the alternative of these market sugar !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you cone to know that, the harmful effect by sugar on our health.

And we will also know here alternatives of sugar for our daily routine life !!!

So my friends let's come to topic,

First of all we talk about natural sugar,

So you naturally ask about, what is natural sugar ???

Whatever fruits, vegetable we eat in our meal, from these fruits and vegetable than whatever sugar we get, so this sugar is known as or called as natural sugar.

These natural sugar is simple sugar, which is very easily digest by our digestive system.

If we use here in chemistry language terms than these natural sugar is in 'monosaccharide' form.

Our digestive system consume and take these natural sugar very fastly and easily without spend lots of energy to digest.

These natural sugar is healthy for us.

And if we talk about, which substance is create barrier for these natural sugar to digest in our body ??? So that is market sugar.

Actually market sugar is the sugar which is made from sugar cane.

So these market sugar is very dangerous for our whole health.

These market sugar is not easily digest by our body.

If we talk about in chemistry language terms than these market sugar is in polysaccharide form.

Our body directly not taken in use these polysaccharide form of sugar.

So therefore our body spend lots of energy to break down these polysaccharide form into monosaccharide form.


So for that, our body needs lots of insulin chemical which generated by our pancreas gland.

When we eat market sugar, as we know that these market sugar contain polysaccharides form of sugar.

So our body do not taken in digestive process of these polysaccharides form of sugar.

So in our body one gland is there, whose name is pancreas gland, so these pancreas gland make insulin hormone.

So for that, there is require lots of insulin hormone to convert these polysaccharides form of sugar into monosaccharide form of sugar.

So actually in these process, insulin hormone work very hard on to convert polysaccharides form of sugar into disaccharides form of sugar.

And again these disaccharides form of sugar converted into monosaccharide form of sugar.

So our body taken in use to digest these monosaccharide form of sugar.

So you may thought that, how long process to convert polysaccharides form of sugar into monosaccharide form of sugar.

So that our pancreas gland uses lots of energy to produce insulin hormone for converting polysaccharides form of sugar into monosaccharide form of sugar.

So that's why as we increasing load day by day on the pancreas gland, than slowly slowy it become weaker.

And for that, if our pancreas glands become weak, than there is shortage of producing of insulin hormone in our body.

So like wise, if we keep eating these market sugar than, you can thought that what happen with our pancreas gland.

Slowly slowly it become loose efficiency of producing insulin hormone.

Which is very very important for converting polysaccharide form of sugar into monosaccharide form.

Simply you understand that, without insulin chemical our body not digest any sugar substances.

So where this insulin hormone come from ?

These insulin chemical made by our pancreas glands. So you might be thought, how much energy required by pancreas glands to manufacture these insulin hormone.

There is lots of energy required by pancreas glands to make insulin chemical.

So when we consume these market sugar, than our body spend lots of energy to make consumeable and digestable for our body.

I mean to say that, these market sugar is not good for our health or digestive system.

What happen if we continously consume these market sugar ?

If we continously keep consuming or eating these market sugar, than the efficiency of our body slow down.

There is lots of required insulin hormone to make these polysaccharide sugar into simple sugar or monosaccharide form of sugar.

For manufacturing these insulin hormone the pancreas gland use lots of energy.

If like wise pancreas do lots of work on making these insulin hormone than 100 percent the person is affected by diabetes disease.

And if those people affected by diabetes diseases than those people may also affected by heart attack.

And the people who affected by diabetes diseases than those people may also affected by impotence.

Diabetes diseases may also affected your loss of vision of your eyes.

And the people who got hit by diabetes disease, simply they are nothing in the world.

So from today's stop consuming these market sugar in your tea, food, meal, breakfast etc.

And if we talk about alternatives of these market sugar than here is,

i) Honey : Try to involve in your breakfast honey, which is very best for your health.

ii) Jaggery : Jaggery is very very best alternatives for you sugar in your home.

So these are the some best alternatives of market sugar.

So we hope you know this information very well.

So keep yourself safe by involve right food in your daily routine life 

So we will meet you with new amazing concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Saturday 13 February 2021

Do you know that grasshopper have powerful leg muscles !!!

 Do you know that, grasshopper have powerful leg muscles !!!

Do you know that, grasshopper have powerful leg muscles !!!

Hellow dear all readers,

Welcome to the new concept, so here in this new concept, you come to know that, how grasshopper have power leg muscles.

So let's explore this concept in simply and easy way,

So first of all we know that, how an all insect made from which material ???

So the answer is, the all insect made from 'Cuticle' material like substance.

You might be ask like that, "you discuss about how grasshopper have strong leg muscle, but why you tell about it's body structure ?".

Yes my friends you absolutely correct, but if you want to know in the simpler way, than you have to must know about this, isn't it ?

So let's come to our topic,

If I tell you make a house from a single type of material. What you think about on this ?

Can you all do like this ???

Of course no, isn't ?

So my friends all insect their whole body structure made from the 'cuticle' material like substance.

The 'cuticle' material is many manifolds or we can say that in other words that, it can most changeable.

I mean to say that in other words that, the whole outer body structure of an insect is made from the 'cuticle' material.

So you can imagine that, the whole house is made from a single material.

According to the two researcher, they observed that, the hind legs of these grasshopper, the jumping and kicking of grasshopper is do very powerfully.

The grasshopper do these kind of activities with very large amount of force.

Isn't it very interesting to know these concept about grasshopper legs ?

 when two researchers see their grasshopper legs activities, they got surprised to perform all kinds of these activities with large applying force by grasshopper legs.

Afterword they conduct an experiment on this grasshopper hind legs.

 The two researcher measured the toughness and powerfulness of these grasshopper legs.

And after that, they come to know that, these grasshopper legs is much more powerful or we can say that, the grasshopper legs is much strong than our bone.

Because of these 'cuticle' material the insects have to ability to tolerate defects like such as, cracks and damages occur during jumping, kicking and flighting.

So we hope yo enjoying to know that, such a amzing concept about this grasshopper legs.

So we will meet you with next upcoming concept.

Goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Here you come to know about the 'wave theory of light by Huygen's

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you come to know that, the theory given by Huygen on the wave theory of light.

So let's explore this concept,

i) The source of light propagated light energy in the form of waves : In these statement, they tell us that, the particles of the medium vibrate about it's mean place in the form of simple harmonic motion. 

Because of that , the particles can transfer energy from one particles to it's neighbouring particles and than reach to the observer eye.

ii) In the homogeneous isotropic medium, the velocity of light wave as it is or remains constant : The speed of the light wave is not affected because of, the density and the temperature of isotropic medium is remains same throughout.

iii) The different different colours of light waves is because of different different wavelength of light waves : We know that each light wave has it's own wavelength, isn't it ? So as we change it's wavelength than automatically it's colour and frequency also changes.

iv) There is the need of material medium for the propagation of light wave : Huygen theory states that, the periodically disturbance is created in the medium, when the light wave travel in the medium. 

So to avoid the periodic disturbance, Huygens explain the propagation of light waves through vacuum.

Huygens suggested that the existence of a Hypothetical medium, which is called as or known as 'luminiferous ether'.

So in the Hypothetical medium there is almost negligible disturbance is created for propagation of light wave.

So these medium contain no any disturbance, when propagation of light waves.

So hey friends hope you enjoying to learn this session simply and clearly.

We will meet you with new concept.

So goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Friday 12 February 2021

Nowadays how artificial intelligence play a vital role in the internet social media sector !!!

Nowadays how Artificial Intelligence (A.I) play a vital role in the internet social media sector !!!

Nowadays how Artificial Intelligence (A.I) play a vital role in the internet social media sector !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept,

So here in this concept you come to know that, how day to day artificial intelligence play a very vital role on the social media.

Today's all people like to use internet social media.

People using social media in their free time. You can say, we totally dependent on the social media platform.

If we want to make friend, then also we look on social media.

We totally crazy towards e-social media.

From our entrainment to our education is all dependent only on the social media, isn't it ?

But my friends, do you ever thought that, how can handle at a time that much of social media server load on the internet at one time ???

How we safely use our social media, without any fear about hacking or any spam ???

So my friends, let me to tell you that, don't worry about all these things.

You absolutely safe to use your social media platform.

So you might be ask, how can we safe please tell us ???

So my friends don't worry about that, your personal data and up to your security it's all handled by the artificial intelligence system.

This artificial intelligence system is very smartly work to handle lots of load on the internet.

And it provides you a safer platform to interact with your friends, family, relatives etc. without any hesitation.

Nowadays, day to day these artificial intelligence become smarter and smarter.

The many role play by these artificial intelligence to care of us in the all internet social media service.

And it's provide a fearless platform for all of us.

Artificial intelligence provides a safer, virus free, spam free and etc.

Artificial intelligence really makes our life comfortable for all of us, isn't it ?

Let's take an one example,

When we go to any public social media, we see their chatbots is present.

So we can easily access them to ask question.

Whatever our question we can frequently ask to them, isn't ? and these chatbots easily reply us.

You have observed one thing that, when you visit on the social media, you see your known friends only.

Do you noticed that how is that possible. Yes it's all possible due to artificial intelligence.

Because when you follow your friend on the social media, it's show all the list of that friend in your login, isn't it ?

So let's know another way that,

Whenever you go to see any videos on YouTube , you noticed that there are many related topics video are come automatically ,isn't it ?

It's all possible because of these artificial intelligence.

Slowly slowly these artificial intelligence became integral part of our life.

In the Today's generation of our life.

So we hope you enjoying this lovely and interesting concepts in easy and simply way.

Thank you...!!!

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