Saturday 17 April 2021

Compare between Linear and Non-linear control system

 First of all we know that, what is linear control system ? : The control system which obey the superposition principle or theorem is called as or known as linear control system.

what is Non-linear control system ? : The control system which does not obey the superposition principle or theorem is called as or known as non-linear control system.

Linear control system

i) The system which obeys the superposition theorem principle is called linear control system.

ii) In the linear control system the output is proportional to the input.

iii) This linear control system is governed by linear differential equation.

iv) The linear control system can be analyzed by standard test signal.

v) The stability of linear control system depends only on root location.

vi) The linear control system do not exhibit limit cycles.

vii) The linear control system analyzed by Laplace transform, Z-Transform.

Non-linear control system

i) The system which does not obeys the superposition theorem principle is called non-linear control system.

ii) In the non-linear control system the output is not proportional to the input.

iii) This non-linear control system often governed by non-linear differential equation.

iv) The non-linear control system can not be analyzed by standard test signal.

v) The stability of non-linear control system depends on roots location, initial condition, and types of input.

vi) The non-linear control system exhibit limit cycles.

v) The linear control system cannot be analyzed by Laplace transform, Z-Transform.


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