Saturday 13 February 2021

Here you come to know about the 'wave theory of light by Huygen's

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you come to know that, the theory given by Huygen on the wave theory of light.

So let's explore this concept,

i) The source of light propagated light energy in the form of waves : In these statement, they tell us that, the particles of the medium vibrate about it's mean place in the form of simple harmonic motion. 

Because of that , the particles can transfer energy from one particles to it's neighbouring particles and than reach to the observer eye.

ii) In the homogeneous isotropic medium, the velocity of light wave as it is or remains constant : The speed of the light wave is not affected because of, the density and the temperature of isotropic medium is remains same throughout.

iii) The different different colours of light waves is because of different different wavelength of light waves : We know that each light wave has it's own wavelength, isn't it ? So as we change it's wavelength than automatically it's colour and frequency also changes.

iv) There is the need of material medium for the propagation of light wave : Huygen theory states that, the periodically disturbance is created in the medium, when the light wave travel in the medium. 

So to avoid the periodic disturbance, Huygens explain the propagation of light waves through vacuum.

Huygens suggested that the existence of a Hypothetical medium, which is called as or known as 'luminiferous ether'.

So in the Hypothetical medium there is almost negligible disturbance is created for propagation of light wave.

So these medium contain no any disturbance, when propagation of light waves.

So hey friends hope you enjoying to learn this session simply and clearly.

We will meet you with new concept.

So goodbye !!!

Thank you...!!!

Friday 12 February 2021

Nowadays how artificial intelligence play a vital role in the internet social media sector !!!

Nowadays how Artificial Intelligence (A.I) play a vital role in the internet social media sector !!!

Nowadays how Artificial Intelligence (A.I) play a vital role in the internet social media sector !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept,

So here in this concept you come to know that, how day to day artificial intelligence play a very vital role on the social media.

Today's all people like to use internet social media.

People using social media in their free time. You can say, we totally dependent on the social media platform.

If we want to make friend, then also we look on social media.

We totally crazy towards e-social media.

From our entrainment to our education is all dependent only on the social media, isn't it ?

But my friends, do you ever thought that, how can handle at a time that much of social media server load on the internet at one time ???

How we safely use our social media, without any fear about hacking or any spam ???

So my friends, let me to tell you that, don't worry about all these things.

You absolutely safe to use your social media platform.

So you might be ask, how can we safe please tell us ???

So my friends don't worry about that, your personal data and up to your security it's all handled by the artificial intelligence system.

This artificial intelligence system is very smartly work to handle lots of load on the internet.

And it provides you a safer platform to interact with your friends, family, relatives etc. without any hesitation.

Nowadays, day to day these artificial intelligence become smarter and smarter.

The many role play by these artificial intelligence to care of us in the all internet social media service.

And it's provide a fearless platform for all of us.

Artificial intelligence provides a safer, virus free, spam free and etc.

Artificial intelligence really makes our life comfortable for all of us, isn't it ?

Let's take an one example,

When we go to any public social media, we see their chatbots is present.

So we can easily access them to ask question.

Whatever our question we can frequently ask to them, isn't ? and these chatbots easily reply us.

You have observed one thing that, when you visit on the social media, you see your known friends only.

Do you noticed that how is that possible. Yes it's all possible due to artificial intelligence.

Because when you follow your friend on the social media, it's show all the list of that friend in your login, isn't it ?

So let's know another way that,

Whenever you go to see any videos on YouTube , you noticed that there are many related topics video are come automatically ,isn't it ?

It's all possible because of these artificial intelligence.

Slowly slowly these artificial intelligence became integral part of our life.

In the Today's generation of our life.

So we hope you enjoying this lovely and interesting concepts in easy and simply way.

Thank you...!!!

Known the drawbacks of Newton's corpuscular theory

 Known the drawbacks of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

Known the drawbacks of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you come to know the drawback of Newton's corpuscular theory.

Earlier in our concept we discuss about the Newton's corpuscular theory.

But here in this concept we come with it's drawback.

Here we will know the all drawback of Newton's corpuscular theory in easy any simple way !!!

So let's come to our topic,

In the Newton's corpuscular theory, he could not able to explain about the partial reflection and refraction at the surface of the transparent medium or path.

In the Newton's corpuscular theory he could not explain about the phenomenon such as interference, diffraction, polarization etc.

According to the Newton's corpuscular theory he explain that, the speed of light in the denser (water) medium is more and the speed of light in the rarer (air) medium is less after which was experimentally proved wrong by the 'scientist Focault'.

According to the Newton's corpuscular theory, he explain in his theory that, when the particles are emitted from the source of light, than the mass of the source of light must be decreases but after conducted several experiments there is not shown any changes in the mass of the source of here also failed the Newton's corpuscular theory.

So we see all the drawback and the given theory which could not explain by Newton's corpuscular theory.

This is all about the drawback of the Newton's corpuscular theory.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely.

If you have any query related to this concept you can frequently ask question related to this.

So we will meet in the next upcoming concepts.

Thank you...!!!

State the postulates of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

 State the postulates of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

State the postulates of Newton's corpuscular theory !!!

Hello dear friends, 

here we go to learn and know about the postulates of Newton's corpuscular theory.

So what are we waiting for ?

Let's explore this concept !!!

i) Every source of light energy emits large number of tiny particles is called as or known as 'corpuscles' in a medium surrounding the source.

ii) These tiny particles emitted by source of light are perfectly elastic, rigid, and weightless.

iii) The tiny particles which are emitted by source of light is travel in a straight line with very        

high speed and the speed is vary according to different in different media or we can say path.

iv) One gets a sensation of light, when the corpuscles fall on the retina of eye.

v) The different colours of light are because of different sizes of corpuscles.

Explanation:  i) So in the first paragraph, the Postulates of Newton's corpuscular theory want to tell us that, in our environment or in our surrounding every source of light energy emits large number to tiny particles.

Let's say in our planet Earth, the only one source of light energy is sun.

Have you imagine this, how much of tiny particles come out from the sun.

No idea ?

Here the answer is, the sun is a one type source of light energy.

Which means it's emits large number of particles.

You might be ask that, we doesn't seen any tiny particles. 

Yes of course we admit it.

You not able to see the tiny particle but you can see the rays of the sun in the early morning.

ii) In the second paragraph, they want to tell us that, these      

tiny particles are in perfectly in elastic, rigid and weightless form.

Elastic means stretchable.

Rigid means toughness.

Weightless mean No weight of these tiny particles.

iii) In the third paragraph, they want to tell that, these light tiny particles  travel in a straight line with very high speed. And one thing also make in this is, the speed of tiny or smallest particles are different in different in media or in path.

iv) In the  fourth paragraph, they want to tell us that, when these tiny particles fall on the retina of our eye than we get sensation therefore our eye automatically close.

v) And in the last paragraph they want to tell us that, the different different colours of light is all possible because of different sizes of corpuscles.

So we hope you understand this concept in easy and simply way.

Thank you...!!!

Thursday 11 February 2021

Know why your stomach is known by "the second brain"

Know why your stomach is known by "the second brain"

Know why your stomach is known by "the second brain"

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you come to know the most interesting and most exclusive fact.

So let's explore this concept in simply and easily !!!

If we talk about our mind, than only one thing is come first in our mind.

Don't know ??? What I am talk about !!!

Actually my friend, I talk about our brain.

We all of us known that, we have only one brain in our body.

But but but my friend......It's not true. OK!

We all know that, we have only one brain, which stay in the head, isn't it ?

The brain which stay in our head is not work at all to control our whole system very well. Right !

The brain stay in our head, it have some limitation or we can say it is insufficient to take control all over our body.

In our stomach, there is one brain exist, which is very well known by the name "THE SECOND BRAIN"

So my friends, you got surprised when you heard some odd like fact, isn't it ???

But my friends is a true !!!

This stomach brain is more intelligent as we compared to our head brain (The brain which stay in our head).

Do you know that my friends, Many neurons is in our stomach as we compared to number of neurons in our head brain.

Do you know that, the decision taking about our mood is more strongly taken by our stomach as we compared to our head brain.

In our life we learn or do new new skill, work, activities etc. what you think about ???

It's all done by our single brain, No!

In our daily routine life we learn so much of information and many more.

Whatever you gain information and all knowledge gain  in your whole life, so what you thinks about ?

It's all managed and control by our head brain ???


The combination of both our head brain or stomach ( gut brain). To make learning faster.

The contribution of these two brain, that's why we can learn so much of knowledge without in a limited way.

Our head brain take help from our stomach it means  from our gut brain.  And this nervous system is called as or known as "ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM"

Even though our head brain and our stomach (gut brain) are in different shapes.

Then also both are connected with each other by our vagus nerve.

Our whole digestive system have millions and millions of neurons in it.

If we talk about thinking process of our head brain, So in that also our gut brain more effectively think.

Our hormones, mood, feelings are all control by our gut brain.

So don't underestimate our gut brain. It is more efficient than our head brain.

The chemical "Dopamine" so it is a pleasure chemical which makes your mood happy.

It is mostly found in our gut brain approximately up to 95%.

And the left 5% is found in our head brain.

Let's move to know further,

Here actually we up to know that, the medicine of depression is only work to control on our head brain.

But my friends it's not like that.

Most of the depression medicine is work on our stomach (gut brain) to cure depression.

In our stomach, along with neurons many bacteria is present, which most effectively control over our mood and our immune system.

Our stomach is very intelligent, it can tell about our future also.

So you might be thought that, how can be our stomach (gut brain) is so intelligent.

So the simple answer is, we live in this world with lots of information.

Every single of the second, whatever we see, touch, speak, feel, learn, gather all information etc.

So the all information is about "4 LAKH CRORE OF BIT" in every single of the second.

But our conscious mind is only aware or we can say our conscious mind is only focus and think about "5 to 10 thousands of bit" in per second.

So whatever the information which our conscious mind is not aware about it.

So that all left over information is goes to our subconscious mind and another one copy of information is goes to our stomach (gut brain).

As we know that, our head brain and our gut brain both are connected with vagus nerve.

So that, if there is any risk come into our future than both these mind communicate and gives signal, and we feel, there will be something goes wrong in the future or something happening in the future.

So that's why our gut brain is the most intelligent brain in the body.

So we hope you love this information from your heart.

It's really very great and interesting concept for all of us.

Thank you...!!!

Sunday 7 February 2021

You know that ? Our eyes get close during, when we sneezing !!!

 You know that ? Our eyes get close during when we sneezing !!!

You know that ? Our eyes get close during when we sneezing !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, so in this concept, you come to know the most interesting and amazing fact of the day.

So let's explore it,

Hello friends, we have an experience of these sneezing in our day to day life, isn't it ?

So have we ever thought on this topic, why our eyes get close in during sneezing time ?

If you thought on this topic than please tell me in the comment box!!!

So let's know here all about on this concept,

So simply sneezing is happen without our control.

So as like sneezing, many functions of our body, which is not in our control, right !!!

So in our body, the function which is not in our control is all done automatically by our involuntary muscles.

So let's take an one example, i) Our body has many function which run or we can say many function happen without our control.

So this are, 1) Our heart beat, 2) Our digestion system 3) Our respiratory system and many more like this...!!!

So sneezing also not in our control, right !

So if we want to know, why our eyes get close while sneezing than first of all we have to know this, why do we sneezing ???

We sneezing is all because of, when unwanted dust particles, bacteria and etc. try to enter through our nose when we inhale or we can say when we breath.

So, to stop entering of these kind of unwanted dust particles or bacteria, therefore when we sneezing than all these kind of unwanted substances remove out by our nose by sneezing process.

So it all happens because of  our protection purposes !!!

Now when we sneezing through our nose, so whatever unwanted dust particles , bacteria and etc. not get entered or we can say not settle on our eyes.

So that's why, our eyes automatically closes during in sneezing time.

So I hope you understand this concept very clearly and simply.

Thank you...!!!

Saturday 6 February 2021

The most amazing function of human blood, veins, arteries & capillaries

 The most amazing function of human blood, veins, arteries & capillaries !!!


Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, which is going to very interesting and amazing for you all !!!

So let's come to our topic,

So first of all we know about, what is blood ?

Simply blood is a body fluid or we can say body liquid like substance.

 which is very helpful and useful for carrying or we can say supply substances like oxygen, nutrients and all necessary substances which is require by our body.

But my friend, the work of our blood is not over here. They also collect waste material or waste substances from our organ, tissue and cell from our body.

For understanding about blood, so that we take an one example here, i) let consider, in water pipe, if there are some amount of sand is present.

Than as we ON the motor, than along with this water, than sand also flow with it, isn't it ?

As like as about our blood also, whatever is in our blood they flow through our whole body.

So you may ask, if we consume medicine than our medicine may also flow through our whole body ???

Yes of course !!! If we consume our medicine than our medicine will flow through our whole body.

As our medicine flow through our whole body, so where ever the need of the medicine than automatically our blood supply to that organ, tissue or cell.


So let's know about our veins,

Actually our veins is a one type of blood vessel or in other words one type of blood tube.

Which is very useful for collecting carbon-dioxide from our whole body and give it to our heart.

But in our body there is only 2(two) veins, which is only collected oxygen from our whole body.

So this is i) Pulmonary vein and i) Umbilical vein.

So next we go to know about arteries, 

Simply Arteries is a one type of blood vessel, which is very useful for carrying or supplying oxygen, nutrients, and all necessary things whatever required by our body from our our heart to the capillaries blood vessels.

 And let's know about what is capillaries.

Simply capillaries is the most smallest blood vessel in our body, which connects between arteries to veins.

As you can see in the above image !!!

In our body, the capillaries is the most and most smallest blood containing structure or part.

Capillaries are the most small like structure, which connected to each parts of our body.

Like organs, tissue and cells. So you can imagine that, our capillaries tube is even smallest than our hair.

The work of these capillaries is, to provides oxygen, nutrients, hormones, antibodies to every each organs, tissue and cell of our body.

The capillaries is only medium, which connected to each and every organ, tissue and cells of our body.

Capillaries go to every single cell to provides oxygen, nutrients and all necessity requirement by our single cell of our body.

They also collect waste material from releasing by our organs, tissue and cells of our body.

So my friends we hope you understand this concept very clearly and simply.

Thank you...!!!

Friday 5 February 2021

Amazing function of human being respiratory system

 The function of human respiratory system !!!



Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here you come to know the function of human respiratory system.

So let's come to our topic,

So first of all we know that, what is respiratory system ???

So actually, the respiratory system is the network of organs and tissue, which help us to breath well.

The respiratory system is play an important role, when we breath.

You know na! What is mean by breath ?

Breath means, the oxygen we take through our nose and the carbon-dioxide we throw out by our nose is called as or known as breath.

If we want to know this on scientifically terms than, the oxygen whatever we take through our nose is called in scientifically name "Inhale".

And the oxygen whatever we throw out by our nose is called in scientifically name "Exhale".

So I hope you understand this two scientifically terms 'Inhale' and 'Exhale'.

So let's move ahead,

Our respiratory system play an important role, when Inhale and Exhale.

So you ask question like, why we only inhale oxygen why not others gas.

So my friends, In our body the cell required oxygen for producing energy like ATP (Adenosine-tri-phosphate).

So you might be ask, what actually do by our respiratory system ? tell me in detail !!!

Our respiratory system help us to absorb or to take oxygen from the environment and whatever carbon-dioxide in our body they remove out of from our body.

This is all done by our respiratory system.

So let's we see, how this respiratory system work ?

The major function of our respiratory system is to take oxygen and throw out carbon-dioxide from the body.

 When we breath oxygen by our nose, the nose contain nasal cavity with ciliated mucous membrane, which is in sticky form.

So you might don't know, what is mucous membrane, so actually sticky mucous membrane is that, you have an experience when you get cold and sneezing.

The liquid sticky jelly like substance which come out from our nose is called as mucous membrane.

So when we taken oxygen from the environment, than whatever dust and unwanted air come with oxygen than get trap or we can say get filtered in mucous membrane.

So whatever bacteria come along with oxygen that those bacteria is destroy by lysosome contain in mucus.

These extra ordinary protection in our mucous, which helps to protect against potential pathogens is provided by lymphocytes and antibodies.

As we inhale air, the inhale air turns in 90 degrees downward and reach at the pharynx.

So this 90 degree turns for trapping large dust particles from the air.

From the larynx the air passes through the trachea.

And than the windpipe and than it turns split or we can say they divide into two primary bronchioles.

The primary bronchioles supplying to the two lungs.

So in the lungs the primary bronchioles branch splits or we can say divided into smaller and smaller bronchioles.

And than bronchioles form the bronchi tree with many more air tubes or we can say airways.

And the last is terminal bronchioles branch.

So these terminal bronchioles branch divided into several respiratory bronchioles.

So these respiratory bronchioles come to end with microscopic air sacs, which is called as or known as alveoli.

The each alveoli is surrounded by blood capillaries, the place where gas is exchange.

Each alveoli is covered with blood capillaries, so whatever oxygen in alveoli is go to the blood capillaries and whatever carbon-dioxide is go from blood capillaries to alveoli.

And the whatever oxygen is taken by blood capillaries is supply to different different organs, tissue and cell of our body.

And whatever carbon-dioxide is collected by blood from our body is go from blood capillaries to alveoli.

Than this carbon-dioxide is exhale by our nose.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely.

Thank you...!!!

Thursday 4 February 2021

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items !!!

The very vital role play by microbes in our household for making tasty food items !!!

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new concept, here in this concept you will come to know the most interesting and amazing concept.

So let's explore this concept !!!

So first of all we know that, what is mean by microbes ?

In the science stream, the microbes is very vast concept and it has many more application for human welfare.

The branch of biology deals with the study or experiment on microbes is very well known by microbiology.

So actually, microbes are the microscopic living organism.

For an example small algae, fungi, protozoans, mycoplasmas etc.

So for human welfare, the microbiology gives a potential in many ways such as.

So let's know the contribution given by this microbes in our house hold production.

Microbes in house hold production

So you might thought that, how can this microbes play important role in the house hold production ?

So my friends, it's really really true.

Microbes play important role in house hold production.

Than again you might ask that, how it can contributes us in house hold production ???

So friends, when your mother cooked tasty puffy idlies, dhokla, jalebi, etc.

I hope you all love to eat all these tasty food item, isn't ?

So do you know that, how it work by these microbes to helping us to make our food very tasty ?

So let's come to know first of all our fluffy idlies : So first of all we put our idli batter for overnight.

When we put our batter overnight than in the whole night, we sleep but my friends the micro-organism are awake and active.

So they are active for fermention of idli batter.

So because of this fermentation process, many micro-organism are grow and produce lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

So when you cook idli, the present of carbon dioxide in the idli batter come up and this make idli fluffy.

So as like as many microbes are used at home during preparation of different different food items.

Many household preparation involves the use of microbes e.g. idli, dhokla, jalebi, etc.

The mixture of gram flour and buttermilk are used in the preparation or making of dhokla and than it is fermented by Lactobacilli.

The Lactobacilli also help in the preparation of jalebi and nan.

Yeast and bacteria helps in the preparation of idli and dosas.

The micro-organisms species like Bacillus, Candida and Saccharomyces these are very helpfully make the idlies fluffy.

Microbes is very useful in fermentation process.

So the fermentation is a metabolic process which produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes.

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