Tuesday 26 January 2021

Do you know that how an artificial satellite using two stage rocket is launched in an orbit around the earth

Do you know that, how an artificial satellite using two stage rocket is launched in an orbit around the earth ?


The satellite, which launched in space they needed minimum two stage rocket. What they are, let's know here ???

 when satellite is on the planet earth, they need or we can say that they required two stage of rocket to reach in space for revolving around the planet earth.

So let's know complete steps of launching of satellite in space.

i) So in the first step, the satellite kept or we can say place at the tip of the rocket.

ii) In the second step, the fuel in the first stage rocket is fired or ignited, so it gives the satellite vertical velocity.

iii) In the third step, with the help of this first stage rocket, the satellite attains or we can can say it get it's desired height or position.

iv) In the fourth step, when satellite reach it's desire height or position than by remote control, the empty first stage rocket is detached and the  rocket is rotated through 90° so that it points in the horizontal direction.

v) In the fifth step, the fuel in the second stage rocket is fired or ignited, so that with a particular amount or value the satellite is projected in horizontal direction.

OR we can say, 

Because of the second stage rocket satellite get the particular value of horizontal velocity in the horizontal direction.

vi) In the sixth step, when the fuel in the second stage rocket is completely burnt, than the second stage rocket also get detached from the satellite.

vii) In the seventh step, the gravitational force acting on the satellite is exactly equal to the centripetal force which is very helpful to keep the satellite moving in a circular orbit round the planet earth.

viii) Now in the last step, the motion of the satellite depends upon the velocity of the projection given to it.

So here we hope you understand this whole concept about the "two stage rocket required for launching the satellite in space" very clearly and nicely in easy and great learning way.

Monday 25 January 2021

Why image or photo of an earth is only in white, blue, brown, yellow and green colour ?

Hello dear all readers,

welcome to this new concept, this concept is going to be very interesting and knowledgeable.

We come with a new topic which is, why image or photo of an earth is only in white, blue, brown, yellow and green colour ?

So let's know this concept in very simple and easy way.

Do you ever think on it and guess over this thing ? Why is this happen ?

For all of us, the earth is our mother. Where we live freely, happily and taking all facilities of natural resources.

In the all planet, the earth is only favorable or we can say suitable planet for all living creatures.

The planet earth is livable for all plants and animals, on the planet earth whatever requirement for living purpose, the all require needy things are available easily.

We live on earth's land, and we don't have any experience to see the earth from outer space, isn't ?

So many questions are coming into your mind, isn't ?

Actually, we know that planet earth is covered with clouds, snow ice, water and land.

So it means that, the blue part of earth's covered with water, that's why earth look in blue colour. As you know that, water covered the earth is approximately 71% .

So that, the huge amount of planet earth is covered with water.

The white swirls or we can say in other words that, we see the eath in curly round of white colour which we see on the earth is only because white clouds.

The brown, yellow, and green parts of the planet earth are covered by land.

And the last one, the white portion of planet earth, which we see in white colour. 

The only because of these white clouds, which we see in the sky.

So we hope you understand this concept very clearly and great understanding way.

Sunday 24 January 2021

Do you ever think, why our sky is blue colour ?

 Do you ever think, why sky is looking in blue colour ?


Do you think over this fact, why this sky is in blue colour ?

So I am give a minute to you for guess, why sky is in blue colour ?

Tell me answer via your reply in the comment box.

So we move towards to exploring this scientific facts.

When we see in early morning, what we see in the sky ?

We see the sky appear in blue colour, isn't ? 

Many of us ask question like that "we not see sky clearly in the day time" so my friends we can easily visible the sky in early morning. Means at 6 to 9 'o' clock in the morning time.

So let's move to our concept !!!

For understanding this concept, first of all I want to know from you all, what is the colour of our sun ???

Orange ? Yellow ? Blue ? So if you suggest this answers, than my friends of course not a right answer is this.

Actually sun gives pure bright white light to the universe.

So you may get little confuse about this, the sun gives white bright light than how it is possible sky appearing in blue colour, it is to be appear in white colour na ???

So before we go to in detail of these scientific fact. We  know the step by step all concept in very finely.

Did you know that, the distance between sun and earth is 150,000,000 km is such a vast distance between sun and earth.

So that it is the distance, which the sun light rays travel through and reach at the earth surface. So it means that light travel between sun and earth is 150,000,000 km.

So as we know that, the sun emits all kinds of electromagnetic light. Electromagnetic rays emits by the sun is -

 i) Gamma rays

ii) X-rays

iii) UV - rays

iv) Infrared rays

v) Microwave

vi) Radio waves

And the visible light is Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.

So all these together emits by the sun.

So when electromagnetic rays enter into our earth.

We human being can't able to perceive or we can say in other words that, we can't see these Gamma rays, X-rays, UV-rays, Infrared, Microwaves, Radio waves with our naked eye.

So most of the electromagnetic Gamma rays, X - rays, UV rays block's out by the earth's atmosphere.

We human being only see the visible seven colours, which is violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red.

So all visible light spectrum is only compose by these three primary colours is Red, Green, Blue colour light.

So when these primary colours come from the sun and enter into the earth. So let's understand what happen with it ???

Take an example, consider if one side of rope is tied at the tree and other side of rope you just hold in your hand, when you move the rope up and down with less force than rope moves with less force.

So it means that, the number of wave is less and the wavelength is larger or maximum.

And if you pull rope up and down with forcefully than the number of wave is more and wavelength is smaller.

The scientists discovered that, when the wavelength is smaller than it's scatter more light.

When the wavelength is larger or maximum than it's scatter less light.

So as we know that,

Wavelength of red > Wavelength of green > Wavelength of blue

 So that first of all  let's know about, how these Red light scatter in earth atmosphere.


So as you know that, the wavelength of red light is maximum, so that it scatter very very less or you can say negligible.

The reason is, the red light is easily passes through the dust particles and molecules.

So therefore, it is less scattered.

Let's we go to the green light,


Now here in this green light, the wavelength of green light is less than as we compared to the wavelength of red light.

When the green light collides with the dust particles and molecules.

So therefore these green light is scattered more as we compared to red light.

And now we move towards the blue light,


And here we come to last colour, which is blue colour.

So in this, the wavelength of these blue light is very less than that of green light.

So when it's collides with the dust particle and molecules, than it's scattered mostly.

So here we judge from all these three colours than we come to the conclusion that, the maximum scattering of light is blue light.

So therefore we can see blue light in the sky during day time.

We hope you understand the whole concept easy, fun and learning way.

Saturday 23 January 2021

The problem face by astronaut in space

 The problem face by astronaut in space


Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this blog post, today's we come with a new topic.

Which problems face by astronaut in space ?

 In during your childhood , when you see any spacecraft or rocket, when it moves towards space. 

You fill with lots of desire to reach and travel to space world.

We feel happy and pleasure , whenever we see launch space craft in space, isn't it ?

But do you know that friends, these journey is not quite easier.

To struggle with many problems than our astronaut reach to space and do their research.

So here we know about all these problem which face by our astronaut in space.

As you feel on the planet earth , our legs carry the weight of the whole body in the normal position due to gravity force.

So as you know that , in space there is not existence of these gravity force. So it means that, in space we not feel any gravity force.

So therefore the astronaut in space is in weightless state. Hence swollen feet may not affect his working in space.

In these weightless condition, the face of the astronaut is expected to get more circulation of blood. Because of that, the astronaut may develop swollen face.

As eyes, ears, nose, mouth, are all these sense organs are embedded in the face. So therefore swollen face may affect these senses of seeing/ hearing / smelling / eating all these capabilities of the astronaut in space.

And if we talk further than  the headache persist whether a person is an astronaut in space or he is on the planet earth. Headache is because of our mental strain.

So therefore the headache will have the same effect on the astronaut as well as person on the planet earth.

And if we know the last problem, which face by astronaut in space is orientation.

The space also has orientation and the frame of reference. So therefore, orientation problem will mostly affect the astronaut in space.

So friends hope you understand this concept very clearly and nicely in easy way.

Saturday 16 January 2021

Do you ever know that, water is live and it has memory

 Do you ever know that, water is live and it has memory


Hello dear all my readers,

Here we are going to discuss and know more in detail all about water memory.

So the water memory is the philosophy is quite interesting to know. Because it surprises us to by it's reaction on our action, feelings and whatever we speak our speaking words. 

The water instantly react on our each behaviour and our each performing action. 

It is really very very quite interesting to hear this philosophy.

And I hope you also very surprised after know complete philosophy of this water memory.

In many many years ago, the life is start on planet earth is from the ocean. Nothing is exist on planet earth without water or we can say nothing is exist without presence of the water .

The water is a very precious and god grace for all living creatures on the planet earth.

The all activities which we are doing in our whole day, is all possible with this water only. So that without presence of water nothing can going smoothly, all can get destroy from this planet earth or we can say, we cannot imagine our self without presence of the water.

In japan one great scientists 'Masaru Emoto', who wanted to know that, what is the effect of our thoughts, emotion and feelings on the water.

So for that they conducted many experiment on this water. And they are very eager to find out , what happen with this water by our thoughts, emotions and feelings.

The japanese scientists Masaru Emoto, they conduct an experiment on the water. 

For performing an experiment on this water, they took three samples of the water in a bowl, and they put rice in it.

So along with this bowl, they write one-one word and stick on each water bowl surface.

And he kept it for nine week, and when he came return, what does he saw ??

He saw that, the rice in first bowl is get floffy with good appearance and in second bowl rice is become disgusted or worst and the last third one the rice is good as we compared to second one.

So in your mind one question is rotates and you keep thinking so much on this experiment, how is this happen with same water and same rice ???

There is not any blame of the rice quality. But the all happen ,is all because of our writing thoughts on water bowl surface, therefore the water react on it.

So what they wrote on the water bowl surface ?

i) In the first water bowl surface, he wrote "Love" word.

ii) In the second water bowl surface, he wrote "Hate" word.

iii) And the last third water bowl surface, he wrote "Ignore" word.

iv) In the first water bowl surface they wrote 'Love' word, and they daily say "I love you" , "You are very valuable in my life", "You are my best friend" , by using these good and positive words upto nine week.

And what happened after, the result you know already. The water crystals change it's molecular structure and form a bright shiny stars.

v) In the second water bowl surface they wrote 'Hate' word, and they daily say "You are so ugly", "Go and kill your self", "You have not any value in my life" by using these bad and negative words upto nine week.

So what happened after all , as you know from above paragraph. It crystals changed such a way that, the appearance of these crystal are become so ugly and roughly.

And the rice which added in it, it completely get rotten.

vi) And the last third one, on the water bowl surface they wrote 'Ignore' word, and they daily see that bowl and they behave as ignorance.

Which mean that, the water crystals feels or react as nobody cares for it.

As like that so many words have their different different effect and feelings.

In our life also, we should use those positive and good words, when we speak someone.

In our social and family life also, these words play very vital role. These words breaks the relationship and make bonding of the relationship.

So you know that, how these water memory effect rice with different different words.

So like as water, we also made from 70% of water. So you think, how this words effect on us.

By applying this formula of water, we can change our self into positivity and productivity.

In our whole life, the contribution of water is 70%, you know that it's not a less contribution, it's a very huge contribution by the water.

So you know here, how these water change it's molecular shape according to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Likewise this water is in our body, which contribute us upto 70%.

So whatever we think good or bad, it's directly effect on us. It's very very great fact of the day.

So therefore you must have also try this experiment on our self. By taking help from this water memory we can easily transform our life towards positivity. 

And this water memory really really help us to changing according we want.

So we hope you understand this philosophy and concept very clearly and nicely.

Friday 15 January 2021

Do you know that how tress talk with each other ?

Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new fact, this fact gone to be very interesting and very knowledgeable.

Now let's explore this fact,

If we talk to human being than it's naturally common for all of us. But if we think sometime , how these trees can talk with each other, than this topic quite become very non-understandable or we can say that in other words, it is out of our mind, isn't ?

But if we tell you that, they can also communicate with each other, you might think it is wasting of time and than you ignore this concept .

But my friend it is not wasting of your time, it's a real fact which exist in nature.

So let's know about, how this tress can able to talk with each other or we can say how this trees can communicate with each other.

As we know that, in our school time , in this world there is two thing is exist , which is known as i) living thing ii) and second one is non-living thing.

As we are movable living thing than it's naturally or normally we are able to speak with different-different words. And we are also able to build a social relationships.

So as we compared to our self with trees , than this topic became very surprising.

So here question arises that, it's possible for trees they can also build their social relationship and communication with each other ???

Yess...!!! Of course trees can also build communication with each other. Tress have feelings , emotions and they also feel the pain like us.

All which we feel in our day to day in our routine life, as same all happen with this trees also. But the condition is that, the all incident happen with this trees in a different way.

According to our scientists , on the basis of big experiment they come to the conclusion or we can say, they come to the point that, the trees have big social skills, and also they constantly discuss with each other always.

When you go to garden or any forest places, than at a time in the underground of soil , the trees roots talk or discuss with each other.  

But have you ever notice this fact, not na!!

Because this trees not talk like of us. The all discussion is going in between their roots.

The connection of these trees roots is such a tremendously huge with whole forest. 

As we talk, like our internet connection which we use daily in our life. Because of our mobile and PC device connected with each other, therefore we are able to connect with each other and use the internet facility.

As like here also in the trees, they are also connected with their roots. And talk with each other.

So you very exciting to know that, which type of conversation is going with this trees ???

They build connection for exchanging minerals , vitamins , nutrients food and water etc.

So let's take an example : Consider if mango tree want water than it talk with coconut tree. And than coconut tree help the mango tree to deliver it's water through their roots.

So likewise trees talk with each other and build their social communication with each other.

So we hope you understand this exciting and knowledgeable fact with this content.


Thursday 14 January 2021

Why always emoji's are only in yellow colour ?

 Why always emoji's are only yellow in colour ?


Hello dear all readers,

Welcome to this new fact blog post, here in this blog post, we come with new interesting fact. 

So let's explore this fact !!!

Are you ever surprised to know, why this emoji's are always yellow in colour ???

The emoji's which we use daily in our day to day life, for sending emotion , feelings, and  all expression through by message or we can by chatting online in mobile.

But we didn't aware about it, why this emoji's are yellow in colour ?

The emoji's are yellow is all because of it's bright colour, which we can able to see the picture very clearly.

The yellow colour represent the image in very clear expression , it means that we are able to judge or understand very clearly, simply and nicely.

We able to see in detail in the yellow colour background of any image. Because of this yellow colour we can see very finely or we can say in other words complete detail of that image or photo.

So here, we show you the following emoji's colour,  tell me which colour represent complete detail expression of image !!!


Of course my friend yellow colour is the best for showing all expression very finely.

By according to our designers, the yellow colour express our mood delightly or we also know the yellow colour express the happiness , glory and wisdom.

Here you also see the angry emoji, which represent in the red colour. But we can also represent with yellow colour, as you know that ,the yellow colour express complete detail expression.

But if we not know the expression of this red emoji or it means angry emoji, than also it's ok. But if talk about , to express expression like good mood, happiness, pleasure, delightful etc. than it is very necessary to express in yellow colour.

So we hope you understand this interesting fact in easy and delight mood.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Nowadays Artificial Intelligence ( A.I ) develop learning skill according to human learning skill by using advance algorithms

 Nowadays Artificial Intelligence ( A.I ) develop learning skill according to human learning skill by using advance algorithms 


Hello dear all readers,
Welcome to this blog post, in this content you get to know all concept about this artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence (A.I ) advanced learning skills by using an advance algorithms.

Today nowadays we live in the artificial modern world. The place among where we live, where we play, where we study, where we do all our necessities work, so that in those place, we come in contact with this artificial intelligence.

But have you ever think, how fastly grow this artificial intelligence in the world ???

Because of this artificial intelligence our day to day life become easier and comfortable. Many contribution of this artificial intelligence in the sector of all field.

There is not any current field ,which not come in contact with this artificial intelligence.

So you think, how this artificial intelligence make progress day to day in this modern world, and developing smarter than human ? Have  you ever notice , which thing make this artificial intelligence ( A.I ) day to day fastly smarter than us means human.

Now todays in the world, this artificial intelligence function like a human brain, if it is programmed to use similar learning skills advance algorithms for learning new object.

According to the todays new study of our scientists team, they come to the point to explain, how the new approaches dramatically improves the artificial intelligence ( A.I ) software to quickly learn new visual phenomena.

The scientists team found that, this artificial intelligence ( A.I ) neural networks, grow faster day by day, because of learning skills of these advanced algorithms.

This represents the object to know faster than  previously studied and also learn new visual phenomena or we can say new-new concepts in much faster way , as we compare to previous one.

So we hope this artificial intelligence help human being to grow their facilities in their sector.

The advanced learning skills of these artificial intelligence make human life much smoother and easier for all of us.

But if we regulate this artificial intelligence in a right way. Then this artificial prove to be boon for us neither it can be dangerous for us.

So we hope you know this concept in easy and great understanding way.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Facebook held one experiment on his artificial intelligence robot but after some period of time it shut down the experiment know here why?

 Facebook held one experiment on his artificial intelligence chatbot but after some period of time it shut down the experiment! know here why?


The year 2017 is the most dangerous year in the world.

In the month between july and august 2017, Facebook experiment create a dreadful situation in the world.

We are talking about those facebook app, which you daily use in your day to day life.

So actually what happen in the experiment is ! the facebook engineers work on to make advance chatbot for facebook users.

But here in this experiment they think differently. They held experiment with two chatbot.

Actually chatbot is an artificial intelligence, which talk with humans. But here in this experiment the engineers of facebook something try to do unique. 

So for that, they held an experiment between two artificial intelligence chatbot. 

They name the first chatbot as BOB and second chatbot as ALICE !

And they start talked between each other.

But after some period time, they start talked with each other in their own programmable language. The language which these chatbot started to talk, these language are unknown by the facebook engineers.

Here are the following language, which these two chatbot talked with each other,





So these language didn't understand by the facebook engineers. But after some time due to many inspection, they come to the point these two artificial intelligence chatbot developed his own programmable secret language.

Language means that to make a different own language it's not a easy work. no creatures on the planet earth is smarter than human.

The language develop is only possible by human only. But here the these artificial intelligence make own programmable language and talked secretly with each other.

So think how this chatbot smarter than us. It is going to out of control by the facebook engineers. 

By watched this dreadful condition, the facebook engineers shut down this experiment.

So friend think how dreadful condition was created, if the facebook engineers keep going this experiment.

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